Fraud and scams are ongoing issues as a result in part of the PACT Act. Criminals and shady business practices are getting more and more complex. Sadly, they can take the benefits of Veterans who deserve. The VSAFE (Veterans, Servicemembers, and Families Fraud Evasion) program is a new initiative from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to help Vets who may have been charged illegal fees or dealt with fraud.
What Is VSAFE?
VSAFE is a new website helping Veterans find resources. It allows them to educate themselves, and report all things related to illicit fees and fraud. You can find VSAFE by visiting its website or calling the VSAFE Fraud Hotline at 833-38V-SAFE (8-7233). It was created by the White House's Interagency Policy Council and spearheaded by VA fraud protection. There are several federal agencies collaborating to better fight these issues, including the DoD, IRS, SSA, and FTC.
Changes In 2006
Before 2006, if you were charging fees to Vets for help with a VA claim and didn’t have an accreditation, you’d face fines and penalties. These days, the VA can send cease and desist letters to bad actors while also working with various law enforcement agencies to bring justice against those who break the law. However, this isn’t enough to combat the problem. The VA is looking to Congress hoping for a reinstatement of criminal penalties. As with most legal issues, this could take time, which is in part why VSAFE was created. The program helps Veterans learn what to look out for and how to connect with the right resources to combat fraud. Furthermore, the VA is increasing the training of its employees to help them better understand how claims predators or claim sharks affect the benefits of Veterans.
VSAFE Is Responding to the Increase in Fraud Due to the PACT Act
The unfortunate reality is that Veteran scams and fraud have been on the rise since the passing of the PACT Act because more benefits are being provided. Because there is an increase in benefits, more and more Vets are being targeted when the law should simply be helping those who deserve it most. Using common sense and double-checking with official channels through the VA, including VSAFE, can help the military community avoid falling victim to such seedy practices. By law, companies can't charge Veterans for filing initial disability claims or assist with claims unless accredited by the VA. This is why the VA urges Vets to seek help from accredited service organizations or approved claims agents. Since the PACT Act's passage, for-profit companies charging for these services have surged, often with no fee limits. These companies argue they offer options for Veterans overwhelmed by the VA's backlog. As of this writing, it has nearly 1 million pending claims. The National Association for Veteran Rights was created in response to advocate for their services and is being led by former VA official Peter O'Rourke. However, Veteran advocates say these practices are predatory and illegal. This is especially true as unaccredited companies are not allowed to assist with claims. This issue has also worsened since COVID-19.
Legislation to Help Veterans
As mentioned above, VSAFE is here to help now, as multiple politicians are working on these issues. In recent years, the VA has continued to ask Congress for help in this battle. Proposals, such as the Governing Unaccredited Representatives Defrauding (GUARD) VA Benefits Act and Preserving Lawful Utilization of Services (PLUS) for Veterans Act, have both been floated among lawmakers. Sadly, neither of these proposals has found enough support as of this writing to be passed.
Contacting the Veterans Administration Fraud Investigation Unit
VSAFE is helping those dealing with Veterans Affairs fraud cases receive more resources and education at their disposal. If you need to contact the VA about issues with your payment, suspicious activity, or anything else related, they can be reached at 1-800-827-1000, online, or at your VA Regional Office for free. Related reads:
- Learn How To Protect Yourself Against 4 Common Military Scams
- Veteran Fraud Risk is Rising – Here’s How to Protect Yourself From Scams
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Image Source: DIVIDS
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