What does the Statue of Liberty represent? If you don't know, you need to look no further than her name. Since France gave the United States the Statue of Liberty in Paris on July 4th, 1884, she has been a sign of liberty, freedom, and hope. Today, Lady Liberty continues to stand proudly, welcoming all who see her. The official name of the statue is “Liberty Enlightening the World.” This is a name that she continues to live up to with grace and dignity. Read next:When Did the Revolutionary War End?
What Does the Statue of Liberty Represent to Immigrants?
The following 40 years after France presented the gift to America would bring in around 14 million immigrants through the city of New York. These immigrants were here to start a new life and to chase the American Dream. To the millions of immigrants that braved the journey, the Statue of Liberty meant hope and opportunities for their new beginning. This is also why the Statue of Liberty is also known as the Mother of Exiles.
What Does the Torch on the Statue of Liberty Represent?
The torch on the statue shines brightly to show the way to those seeking the path to liberty and freedom. Its torch is a symbol of enlightenment, hence the name Liberty Enlightening the World. The torch is found in her right hand, while a tablet with the Declaration of Independence’s adoption date, July 4th, in roman numerals can be found in her left.
What Does the Crown Represent on the Statue of Liberty?
The Statue of Liberty has a crown that features seven spikes upon her head. There is a significant reason for the number of spikes because they represent the seven continents and oceans of the world. The idea is that Lady Liberty is welcoming all who wish to pursue freedom into America. The American Dream is an invitation to all, and all are welcome to find life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
What Does the Robe Represent in the Statue of Liberty?
When the Statue of Liberty was designed, she was created in part from inspiration dating back to ancient Rome. The robe worn by Lady Liberty is a robe inspired by the same garment graced by the Roman goddess Libertas. It should be no surprise that Libertas was known as the goddess of liberty and freedom, which is why many Romans worshipped her. The robe or stola, better known as a toga, was also worn by men in ancient times. Today, the most iconic statue in the Western world dons the look.
Lady Liberty Is a Beacon of Freedom
What does the Statue of Liberty represent? The best that America has to offer. The opportunity to make something from nothing all while enjoying the freedoms and liberties defended by brave people throughout our military all around the world. Statue of Liberty tours and visits to Ellis Island have been affected, as most things have, due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. There are some limitations, including a lack of access to the statue’s crown, but it is still a must-visit for any New York tourist or resident. Similar read:Declaration of Independence Grievances That Led to the Birth of a Nation
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