

By Buddy Blouin

In an ideal world, who wouldn’t want to constantly practice Gratitude? Being positive and thankful for even the little things in life is a great way to reset your mindset and spread good vibes among others. But we often suffer from hurdles that life throws our way. There are financial pressures, health issues, and even biological issues that can maintain negativity around our lives. Thankfully, practicing Gratitude is obtainable through proven actions, and science supports the initiative.

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How to Practice Gratitude

Neuroscientific research shows expressing Gratitude can increase dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin, aka, the chemicals that your brain sets off to make you feel good. If you practice Gratitude, you’re setting yourself up to improve your life mentally and physically.

Daily Gratitude practice doesn’t have to be complicated. Simple actions can go a long way. There’s a lot to be thankful for in each of our lives. Here are a few ways to practice Gratitude each day and improve your mindset:

1. Reflect Daily on the Positive

Many Gratitude practices help us see the world in a different light, but one of the easiest to implement is integrating daily reflections through journaling. Setting aside a specific time each day to consciously express Gratitude can go a long way.

Even if you are experiencing the worst of times, it’s important to seek out both small and significant moments that brim with positivity. This intentional focus trains your mind to appreciate the present, strengthening your mental health and well-being.

In addition to journaling what you’re thankful for, mental reflections throughout the day are a great way to reset and reinforce a deeper sense of appreciation. Regularly revisiting your journal can also help when times get tough by serving as a tangible reminder.

2. Establish a Routine

While the actual practice will vary from person to person, the idea is still the same. Find something, anything, positive that you enjoy and make time for it. Set aside time each day and create a routine that helps reinforce practicing Gratitude.

If you are grateful for music, try listening to a new album, learning an instrument, or simply listening to your favorite song each day at a certain time.

You can also share the experience by spending time with loved ones each day through a meal, video chatting with someone far away, or anything else that involves spending time with someone you’re thankful is in your life.

Gratitude practice ideas don’t have to be elaborate but they should be consistent. Create a routine and stick with it to not only feel more thankful today but to maintain this feeling moving forward.

3. Focus on Practicing Gratitude Towards Others

Actively engaging in expressing thankfulness to those around you is one of the best ways to practice Gratitude. This might be as simple as a short text message or handwritten note to thank someone in your life or a meaningful conversation with a loved one.

Practicing Gratitude towards the stranger who holds the door open at your local coffee shop, a colleague who went out of their way to help you on a project, or a driver who let you in during rush hour can go a long way.

When others are involved, not only are the benefits of Gratitude practice shown in your life but they can also help others around you. Expressing thankfulness is a great way to help your mental well-being while spreading positivity to those around you.

A Plan to Help You Practice Gratitude as a Lifestyle

Many benefits of practicing Gratitude show up in the mental, physical, and emotional well-being of everyone. Within the military community, there are unique challenges that can hinder one from seeing the bright side of things.

Military life is one of sacrifice. Even if you aren’t serving, having a loved one willingly putting themselves at risk for our nation, moving around the country and sometimes the world, and everything else that comes with it can be stressful.

But taking the time to practice Gratitude can help you get back on track by stimulating your brain, reducing stress, and regulating emotions. From acting as a healthy coping mechanism to providing positive neurological effects and improved mental health, being thankful helps families immensely.

The Motion of Gratitude’s 28-Day Gratitude Practice isn’t some quick fix that helps you feel good for a month or so, instead, the course helps you reframe your life more positively.

Having a family practice Gratitude helps build stronger bonds through cohesion. Integrate these methods in your life by enrolling in the 28-Day Gratitude Initiative. For the military community, save 10% by using discount code “Gratefulhero” at checkout.

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This article is the result of a paid collaboration with The Motion of Gratitude.




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