

By Buddy Blouin

The ball on top of a flagpole serves many purposes which range from simple decoration, to helping keep the flag in place, to keeping water out of hollow flagpoles, and more. Known as a flag pole finial or ball finial, these fixtures take on even more meaning when found on military bases as they are the subject of debate and legend. While American troops continue to look to the flag and ball finial as some of the ultimate signs of patriotism, things are not as simple as they might seem because of what may or may not be lurking inside.

What’s in the Ball at the Top of a Flagpole?

Across military bases, you’ll find different answers to what’s inside the golden ball on top of a flagpole; however, here’s what you’re likely to hear.

For starters, the finial ball is believed to possess a razor blade, a match, and a bullet. This is the most common collection of items, so we’ll begin here.

These items are there for very specific reasons, and are to be put to use in the unfortunate scenario in which an American base is being overrun by enemy forces.

The razor blade is to help troops cut out the American flag’s stars and stripes. Those colors are ours and not the enemies.

Secondly, is a match to burn the flag with honor. A much more respectable death than allowing Old Glory to be disgraced by enemy forces.

Finally, troops are provided with a bullet. Your options are to either use the bullet to defend the base in one final stand or to take your own life.

Keep in mind this depends on the circumstance but then again, they only give you one.

Alternative (Potential) Items

While the three items listed above may be the most common things you can expect to find in a finial ball, some believe there is no razor blade at all.

Instead of a razor, on top of a flagpole, you’ll still find a match and a bullet. But, there are two alternatives to the blade—a penny or a grain of rice.

The penny is there to make sure that the United States is never insolvent. Probably not the best investment strategy or enough to take on the cost of war.

Alternatively, you may find a grain of rice. It’s hard to tell for sure whether this is just a symbol or a literal supply stash, but the rice is there so that you have enough strength to burn the flag and then use the bullet.

While neither is practical for their proposed function, climbing to the top of a flagpole in the middle of an invasion isn’t really a rational idea either.

Maybe if there were a stash of bullets, or if there were a larger quantity of food to help fuel troops, but these are nowhere to be found.

Truth be told, you may not find anything at all, as the military is full of legends, rumors, and myths.

The Insides of the Ball on Top of Flagpole Is Likely a Legend

If there’s ever an invasion of American soil and our bases start to fall, we may get a more definitive idea of what really is inside of the ball on top of the flagpoles.

However, at this time, it seems each finial ball is just that, an ornament.

If there is one thing that finial balls do, along with the legends that surround them, is create symbols and lore for our nation and its troops.

Just because a nation captures our flag doesn’t mean the battle or war is won. Thanks to our nation’s hardworking military members defending our borders, finding out the truth about what’s inside the ball on top of a flagpole is unlikely.



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