Beauty/Barber Shops
Enlisted Club Barber Shop
(575) 572-3610
Exchange Barber Shop - Main Exchange
(575) 479-4449
Stylique Salon - Main Exchange
(575) 479-2748
Citizenship/Immigration Services
49 Force Support Squadron
(575) 572-0060
49th Force Support Squadron
(575) 572-0060
Civilian Personnel Office
Civilian Personnel Office
(575) 572-7202
Commissary - DECA
(575) 572-5127
Emergency Relief Services
Women's, Infants and Children (WIC)
(575) 572-7369
AAFES – Base Exchange
(575) 479-1509
Main Exchange Food Court
(575) 479-1509
Finance / Legal
49th Comptroller Squadron
(575) 572-3778
Legal Office
(575) 572-7217
Legal Services/JAG
(575) 572-7217
Otero Federal Credit Union
(575) 439-2400
Victim Advocate Services
(575) 572-7217
Wells Fargo Bank
(575) 479-6153
49th Medical Group
(575) 572-5587
49th Medical Group
(575) 572-5587
Fitness Center
(575) 572-3229
Holloman Veterinary Services
(575) 572-3303
Hospital/Medical Treatment Facility
(575) 572-5587
TRICARE Service Center
(575) 572-7700
Barracks/Single Service Member Housing
(575) 572-3295
Consolidated Dormitory Management
(575) 572-3295
Housing Management Office
(575) 572-2285
Housing Referral Office
(575) 572-7832
Soaring Heights
(575) 479-1175
Temporary Lodging/Billeting
(575) 572-7160
Base Library
(575) 572-3939
Major Units
16th Training Squadron
(575) 572-2520
29th Attack Squadron
(575) 572-7839
44th Fighter Group
(575) 572-3623
49th Aerospace Medicine
(575) 572-5927
49th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
(575) 572-5101
49th Civil Engineering Squadron
(575) 572-5466
49th Communications Squadron
(575) 572-3061
49th Comptroller Squadron
(575) 572-5107
49th Dental Squadron
(575) 572-7302
49th Force Support Squadron
(575) 572-3525
49th Logistics Readiness Squadron
(575) 572-3101
49th Maintenance Group
(575) 572-7183
49th Maintenance Operations Squadron
(575) 572-3362
49th Maintenance Squadron
(575) 572-5154
49th Materiel Maintenance Group
(575) 572-5449
49th Materiel Maintenance Squadron
(575) 572-3143
49th Materiel Maintenance Support Squadron
(575) 572-7447
49th Medical Operations Squadron
(575) 572-5752
49th Medical Support Squadron
(575) 572-7878
49th Mission Support Group
(575) 572-5541
49th Operations Group
(575) 572-5463
49th Operations Support Squadron
(575) 572-7421
49th Security Forces Squadron
(575) 572-5035
49th Wing
(575) 572-5057
4th Space Control Squadron
(575) 572-7936
7th Fighter Squadron
(575) 572-7839
849th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
(575) 572-0345
96th Test Group
(575) 572-1366
Air Force Office of Special Investigations
(575) 572-7143
Area Defense Counsel
(575) 572-3473
Army Air Operations
(575) 572-1330
Corps of Engineers
(575) 572-7151
(575) 572-7572
(575) 572-5548
Det 4 ACC Training Support Squadron
(575) 572-5436
German Air Force Flying Training Center
(575) 572-2612
Military Clothing Sales
AAFES - Clothing Sales - Shoppette
(575) 479-6164
Mwr (Morale Welfare And Recreation)
Services Squadron (MWR)
(575) 572-3528
Other Numbers
Air Force Aid Society
(575) 572-7754
Airman and Family Readiness Center
(575) 572-7754
Airman and Family Readiness Center
(575) 572-7754
Airman and Family Readiness Center – EFMP Family Support
(575) 572-7754
Automotive Skills
(575) 572-7438
Base Operator
(575) 572-1110
Child Development Center
(575) 572-3753
Dental Clinic
(575) 572-3742
Dental Clinic
(575) 572-3742
(911) -
Employment Assistance Program
(575) 572-7754
Family Advocacy
(575) 572-7061
Family Advocacy Nurse
(575) 572-7061
Family Center
(575) 572-7754
Information and Referral
(575) 572-7754
Information and Referral Services
(575) 572-7754
NAF Human Resources Program
(575) 572-5454
Personal Financial Management Program
(575) 572-7754
Relocation Assistance Program
(575) 572-7754
SNAIC - EFMP Enrollment
(505) 572-7700
School Age Care Program
(575) 572-1136
School Liaison Officer
(575) 572-7754
Suicide Prevention Hotline
(800) 273-8255
Transition Assistance
(575) 572-7754
Transition Assistance
(575) 572-7754
Youth Center
(575) 572-3753
Outdoor Recreation
Apache Mesa Golf Course
(575) 572-3574
Personnel Support Office
Customer Service Section
(575) 572-7506
ID/CAC Card Processing
(575) 572-7506
(575) 572-7211
(575) 572-7211
Education Office
(575) 572-3971
Holloman Elementary
(575) 812-6100
Holloman Middle School
(575) 812-6200
(575) 479-2201
Household Goods/Transportation Office
(575) 572-5228
Loan Closet
(575) 572-4956
Traffic Management Office
(575) 572-5228
Welcome/Visitors Center
Visitor Reception Center
(575) 572-5951
Welcome/Visitors Center
(575) 572-5951