

Adult Education Centers

Keesler Education Office

(228) 376-8708

Auto Gas And Service

Automotive Services

(228) 432-2404

Base Exchange

(228) 432-2404


(228) 432-2404

Beauty And Barber Shops

Base Barber Shop

(228) 432-7224

Base Beauty Shop

(228) 432-8765

Child Development Centers

Child & Youth Registration & Referral

(228) 377-2211

Child Development Center

(228) 377-2211

Commissary And Shoppette


(228) 377-2830


EFMP Family Support

(228) 376-8513

Family Advocacy Program (Office)

(228) 376-3457

SNAIC-EFMP Enrollment

(228) 376-3457

Emergency Relief Services

(In AFRC) Emergency Relief Services

(228) 376-8728

81 Training Group (81st TRG)

(228) 377-2610

Airman and Family Readiness Center

(228) 376-8728

American Red Cross (Gulfport)

(228) 896-4511

Information and Referral

(228) 376-8728

Information and Referral Services

(228) 376-8728

Personal Financial Management Services

(228) 376-8728

Relocation Program 81 FSS/FSFR

(228) 376-8728

Transition Assistance Program (TAP)

(228) 376-8728


Military Clothing Sales Store

(228) 435-4156

Family Services

New Parent Support

(228) 376-3453

Finance And Financial Institutions

Financial Services Office

(228) 376-8220

Keesler Federal Credit Union

(228) 386-1600

Gymnasiums And Fitness Centers

Blake Fitness Center

(228) 377-4385

Dragon Fitness Center

(228) 377-2907

Health And Medical

81 Dental Squadron (81st DS)

(228) 376-0511

BCAC-Tricare Service Center

(228) 376-4752

Base Hospital Info & Appointments

(800) 700-8603

Dental Clinic

(228) 376-0511

Dental Clinics

(228) 376-0511

Hospital/Medical Treatment Facility

(800) 700-8603

Housing And Temp. Lodging

Barracks/Single Service Member Housing

(228) 377-1730

Gov. Housing Office and Referral

(228) 376-8614

Privatized Communities & Housing Office

(228) 374-5336

Single Service Member Housing

(228) 377-1730

Temp. Lodging- Inns of Keesler

(228) 374-0088

Temporary Lodging/Billeting

(228) 374-0088

Human Resources And Naf

Civilian Personnel Office

(228) 376-8347

Emp. Assistance for Family Members

(228) 377-8728

ID/CAC Card Processing

(228) 376-8347

ID/CAC Card Processing

(228) 376-8347

Military Personnel Support Office 81 FSS/FSMP

(228) 376-8343


(228) 376-8282

Legal Offices And Services

(Security Forces) Victim Advocate & Sexual Assault Prevention and Response

(228) 377-3040

Legal Office/ JAG

(228) 376-8601

Legal Services/JAG

(228) 376-8601

Victim Advocate & Sexual Assault Prevention and Response

(228) 377-7278


McBride Library

(228) 377-2181

Major Units

(81 MDTS) 81 Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Squadron

(228) 376-4475

(CNATTU) Center for Naval Aviation Technical Training Unit

(228) 377-9583

333 Training Squadron (333rd TRS)

(228) 377-2259

334 Training Squadron (334th TRS)

(228) 377-3208

335 Training Squadron (335th TRS)

(228) 377-4122

336 Training Squadron (336th TRS)

(228) 377-5314

338 Training Squadron (338th TRS)

(228) 377-3261

403rd Wing

(228) 377-2056

53 Weather Reconnaissance Squadron

(228) 377-8510

81 Aerospace Medicine Squadron (81st AMDS)

(228) 376-3100

81 Communications Squadron (81st CS)

(228) 376-8127

81 Comptroller Squadron (81 CPTS)

(228) 376-8245

81 Contracting Squadron (81st CON)

(228) 377-2064

81 Force Support Squadron

(228) 376-8697

81 Logistics Readiness Squadron (81 LRS)

(228) 377-2525

81 Medical Group (81st MDG)

(228) 376-3053

81 Medical Operations Squadron (81MDOS)

(228) 376-3300

81 Medical Support Squadron (81st MDSS

(228) 376-4300

81 Mission Support Group (81st MSG)

(228) 377-2510

81 Security Forces Squadron (81st SFS)

(228) 376-5670

81 Surgical Operations Squadron (81st MSGS)

(228) 376-3169

81 Training Support Squadron (81st TRSS)

(228) 377-5309

81 Training Wing (81 TRW)

(228) 377-2411

81 Training Wing Inspector General (IG)

(228) 377-3010

815 Airlift Squadron

(228) 377-4285

85th Engineering and Installation Squadron (85 EIS)

(228) 377-4381

Det 407, Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI)

(228) 377-3420

Enlisted Professional Military Education

(228) 377-3954

Family Member Relocation Clearance Coordinator/Special Needs

(228) 376-5605

Headquarters 2nd Air Force (AETC)

(228) 377-1300

US Marine Corps Detachment

(228) 377-7387

Other Numbers

Action Line

(228) 377--435

Air Force Aid Society

(228) 376--872

American Red Cross

(228) 896--451

Appointments, Medical

(228) 376--227

Audio Visual

(228) 377--437

Auto Center (Firestone)

(228) 436--770

Auto Hobby Shop

(228) 37-7-38

Awards & Decorations

(228) 376--815

Barber Shop (Main Exchange)

(228) 436--950

Barber Shop (Shoppette)

(228) 435--759

Barber Shop (Triangle)

(228) 432--722

Base Exchange (Main)

(228) 435--252

Base Exchange (Triangle)

(228) 436--660

Base Operations

(228) 377--212

Base Operator

(228) 377-1110

Base Taxi (Official Use)

(228) 377--243

Bay Breeze Events Center

(228) 377--233

Bay Breeze Golf Course

(228) 377--383

Beauty Shop

(228) 432--876


(228) 377--490


(228) 377--777

Cable Maintenance

(228) 377--336

Child Development Center

(228) 377--221

Class VI Store / Shoppette

(228) 432--240

Command Post

(228) 377-4330

Dormitory Management Office

(850) 884-3188


(911) -

Enterprise Car Rental,

(228) 432--924

Golf Course

(228) 377--383

Keesler Command Post

(228) 377-4330

Safety Hotline

(228) 377--723

Security Forces (Front Desk)

(228) 377--304

Suicide Prevention Hotline

(800) 273-8255


Chapel, Larcher Avenue

(228) 377-4859


(228) 377-4859

Restaurants And Dining

Exchange Food Court

(228) 435-1191

Schools And Child Care

Family Child Care (Home Day Care)

(228) 377-3189

School Liaison

(228) 376-8501

School Liaison Office/Community Schools

(228) 376-8501

Youth Activities

(228) 377-4116

Youth Activities

(228) 377-4116

Sports And Athletic Activities

Bay Breeze Golf Course

(228) 377-3832

Travel And Transition

Traffic Management Flight Inbound

(228) 376-8533

Traffic Management Flight OutBound

(228) 537-6853

Wingate Travel, Commercial Travel

(228) 376-8542

Va And Retirement Services

Retiree Activities

(228) 376-8111

Veterinary Services

Veterinary Services on Base

(228) 376-7495

Welcome And Visitors Center

Visitors Center (MainGate)

(228) 377-3844

Visitors Center-Pass and Registration

(228) 377-3844


81st TRSS Air Nat. Guard/Reserve Liaison

(228) 377-2844


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