

Adult Education Centers

Education Center

(623) 856-7722

Auto Gas And Service

Service Station & Car Care Center

(623) 856-3617

Beauty And Barber Shops

Barber Shop (BX)

(623) 535-7430

Beauty Shop (BX)

(623) 935-5850

Commissary And Shoppette


(632) 935-3821

Shoppette/Class Six/Service Center

(623) 266-0040


Air Force Aid Society (AFAS)

(623) 856-6550

Airman and Family Readiness Center

(623) 856-6550

EFMP Enrollment

(623) 856-6550

EFMP Family Support

(623) 856-6841

Loan Closet (Family Services)

(623) 856-6550

Relocation Assistance Program in the AFRC

(623) 856-6550

Retirement Services - Airman and Family Readiness Center

(623) 856-6550

School Liaison Officer (SLO)

(623) 856-6550

Spouse Education, Training and Careers

(623) 856-6550

Transition Assistance Program (TAP)

(623) 856-6550

Emergency Relief Services

Women Infants and Children (WIC)

(623) 856-3118


Base Exchange

(623) 935-2671

Base Exchange Food Court

(623) 935-2671

Military Clothing Sales

(623) 856-6310

Family Services

Airman's Attic/Thrift Store

(623) 856-6415

Family Advocacy Program (FAP)

(623) 856-3417

New Parent Support Program

(623) 856-3417

Victim Advocacy Services

(623) 856-3417

Finance And Financial Institutions

Armed Forces Bank, Main Branch

(623) 535-9766

Credit Union West

(602) 631-3200


(623) 856-7028

Non-Appropriated Funds Human Resources (NAF)

(623) 856-7755

Fitness Centers

Fitness Center

(623) 856-6241

Fitness Center Annex

(623) 856-8299


Balfour Beatty Communities Management Office

(623) 388-3515

Housing Referral Office

(623) 856-7643

Major Units

107th Air Control Squadron (ANG GSU)

(602) 794-8003

21st Fighter Squadron (21 FS)

(623) 856-3410

301st Fighter Squadron (301 FS)

(623) 856-9342

308th Fighter Squadron (308 FS)

(623) 856-5583

309th Fighter Squadron (309 FS)

(623) 856-4212

310th Fighter Squadron (310 FS)

(623) 856-7730

425th Fighter Squadron (425 FS)

(623) 856-6512

56th Aerospace Medicine Squadron (56 AMDS)

(623) 856-4273

56th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron (56 AMXS)

(623) 856-9199

56th Civil Engineering Squadron (56 CES)

(623) 856-7081

56th Communications Squadron (56 CS)

(623) 856-7701

56th Component Maintenance Squadron (56 CMS)

(623) 856-5762

56th Comptroller Squadron (56 CPTS)

(623) 856-7007

56th Contracting Squadron (56 CONS)

(623) 856-7163

56th Dental Operations Squadron (56 DS)

(623) 856-3125

56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron (56 EMS)

(623) 856-5708

56th Force Support Squadron (56 FSS)

(623) 856-7001

56th Logistics Readiness Squadron (56 LRS)

(623) 856-7263

56th Maintenance Group (56 MXG)

(623) 856-5700

56th Maintenance Operations Squadron (56 MOS)

(623) 856-5614

56th Medical Group (56 MDG)

(623) 856-7502

56th Medical Operations Squadron (56 MDOS)

(623) 856-4032

56th Medical Support Squadron (56 MDSS)

(623) 856-7502

56th Mission Support Group (56 MSG)

(623) 856-6304

56th Operations Group (56 OG)

(623) 856-3005

56th Operations Support Squadron (56 OSS)

(623) 856-3388

56th Security Forces Squadron (56 SFS)

(623) 856-5979

56th Training Squadron (56 TRS)

(623) 856-6633

607th Air Control Squadron (607 ACS)

(623) 856-6007

61st Fighter Squadron (61 FS)

(623) 856-5586

62nd Fighter Squadron (62 FS)

(623) 856-6887

63rd Fighter Squadron (63 FS)

(623) 856-3366

756th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron (756 AMXS)

(623) 856-8626

944th Fighter Wing

(623) 856-5383

AFAA Area Audit Office

(623) 856-7042


(623) 856-6701


(623) 856-6821

Air Force OSI

(623) 856-6821

Army Corps of Engineers

(623) 856-7208

DET 1 ACC Training Support Squadron

(312) 896-6460

DET 12/372 Training Squadron

(623) 856-5684

Defense Commissary Agency

(623) 935-3821

Marine Corps 24 Hour Desk

(602) 421-5806

Navy Operation Support Center

(602) 353-3008

OLAD, 29th Training Systems Squadron

(623) 856-4855


Pharmacy Refill

(623) 856-3969


(622) 385-6307

Morale, Welfare, And Recreation

Club Five Six

(623) 856-6446

Community Commons (Bldg 700)

(623) 856-7152

Falcon Dunes Golf Course

(623) 535-9334

Fighter Country Inn

(623) 856-3941

Fort Tuthill

(623) 856-3401


(623) 856-7191

MWR Family Services Squadron

(623) 856-6041

Outdoor Recreation

(623) 856-6267

Other Numbers

56 MDG Central Appointments

(623) 856-2273

56th Fighter Wing (56 FW)

(623) 856-5600

Barracks/Single Service Member Housing

(623) 856-7841

Base Operator

(623) 856-1110


(623) 856-6211

Child Development Center

(623) 856-6338

Citizenship and Immigration Services

(623) 856-7832

Civilian Personnel Office

(623) 856-7747

Civilian Personnel Office

(623) 856-7747

Command Post

(623) 856-5600

Dental Clinic

(623) 856-2273

Dormitory Management Office

(623) 856-7841


(911) -

Family Advocacy Program

(623) 856-7472

ID/CAC Card Processing

(623) 856-7832

ID/CAC Card Processing, Military Personnel Section

(623) 856-7832


(623) 856-6000

Legal Services/JAG

(623) 856-6901

Luke Community Chapel

(623) 856-6211

Medical Treatment Facility

(623) 856-2273

Military Personnel Section, Customer Service

(623) 856-7832

Personnel Support Office

(623) 856-7832

School Age Program

(623) 856-7471

Staff Judge Advocate

(623) 856-6901

Suicide Prevention Hotline

(180) 027-3825

VA Facilities

(602) 277-5551

VA Facility

(602) 277-5551

Visitor's Center

(623) 856-4768

Youth Center

(623) 856-7470

Travel And Transition

HouseHold Goods Traffic Management Office (TMO)

(623) 856-6425

Va And Retirement Services

Retiree Activities Office

(623) 856-3923

Veterinary Services

Veterinary Treatment Facility (VTF)

(623) 856-6354


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