Founded during World War II, the Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. (BSMA), is a nonprofit that continues to advocate for and support mothers who have children serving in the U.S. military. BSMA consists of thousands of members with hundreds of chapters nationwide. Today, you can find plenty of events and initiatives that help those serving along with families connected to the military community thanks to their efforts.
Founding the Blue Star Mothers
Founding the Blue Star Mothers came to be after a conversation between retired Army Capt. George H. Maines and the legendary General John Pershing. Soon, the idea was shared in the Flint News Advertiser, basing the name on the Blue Star Mothers flag we know today, which were service flags in the windows of homes representing the number of members serving at that time. If there were Blue Stars, the family member was still alive; however, Gold Stars meant the service member had passed away. Until 2011, Blue Star Mothers were women in America with a son or daughter in the Armed Forces or honorably discharged, however, these membership rules have since changed. The new law expanded membership to grandmothers, adoptive mothers, foster mothers, and female legal guardians. It also included mothers whose children served in recent conflicts and those living outside the U.S. In early 1942, Captain Maines called for mothers to join and received more than 1,000 responses with hundreds attending the first meeting. The Flint Journal reported what was going on and soon, Blue Star Mothers chapters began popping up in multiple states. During WWII there were around 30,000 members. Today, the organization focuses on support, rehabilitation, hospital work, children's welfare, and civil defense, while continuing to maintain strong membership numbers throughout its 178 chapters. BSMA doesn’t have an established, permanent location for its headquarters. Wherever the group’s National President is located acts as its headquarters, and they are also responsible for deciding the location of conventions.
Events By Blue Star Mothers
Supporting moms is at the heart of the organization but it has evolved to meet many needs throughout the military community as a whole. Each chapter has its own traditions and initiative; however, here are some of the common ways Blue Star Mothers gives back:
Memorial Day Weekend
Many chapters, such as New York Chapter 4 host events during Memorial Day weekend. This is an opportunity for the community to come together with friends and families during a time that can be difficult for families who have lost loved ones due to their sacrifice. Parades, ceremonies with the playing of Taps and laying of wreaths, and keynote speakers are all commonplace throughout the Memorial Day events, along with moments of silence to honor those who have passed.
Sending Postcards
Even in a world becoming more connected than ever before, sending a postcard or letter is a personal way to let anyone know that you’re thinking of them. Many members of BSMA organize the collection of postcards and letters that are sent to those deployed as a way to let those fighting abroad know that they are in our thoughts.
Care Packages
Blue Star Mothers also help organize care packages for troops. In truth, chapters are great at not only sending goodies to lift spirits but often finding troops who may not have anyone else to send anything and show them appreciation.
Blue Star Mother's Day
Over the last few years, politicians have lobbied to turn February 1 into Blue Star Mother’s Day, officially. So far, there hasn’t been a successful plan establishing a nationwide celebration but supporters hope that sooner rather than later, this will change and Blue Star Moms will receive the designation they deserve.
Join the Blue Star Mothers Today
If you’d like to get involved and start a chapter or join the organization, you can do so online. Be sure to conduct due diligence about the various chartering procedures, dues, obligations, and already established BSMA chapters before committing. Joining the Blue Star Mothers of America continues to be a time-honored tradition. Their evolving support for the military community continues to make a large community impact. Related reads:
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