By MyBaseGuide Staff Member

If your PCS orders have you going to Buckley AFB (now Buckley Space Force Base), you’re in for a treat. Not only is Buckley one of the most modern and advanced bases in the state, but it also has a ton of religious offerings for anyone who practices faith. The Buckley AFB chapel holds services for several religions. From Buckley AFB church offerings to Buddhist meetings, you’re likely to find what you need here, and you can explore the current offerings below.
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Buckley AFB Welcome Center (Now Buckley Space Force Base)Buckley AFB Chapel Services
You can find the chapel on A Basin Avenue across from the Education Center and Child Development Center. To learn more about Buckley AFB chapel services, you can visit their website or call the chapel office. If you’d like to speak to a chaplain of religious services, you can dial the on-call chaplain number.Buckley AFB Chapel Office
1 (720) 847-4631On-Call Chaplain
: 1 (720) 847-4600Sunday Services
Buckley chapel offers Catholic mass and reconciliation on Sundays.Sunday Reconciliation
: 0830Sunday Mass
: 0900
Weekday Services
If you want to practice your faith during the week, there are a number of services offered by the Buckley AFB chapel that allow you to do so.Catholic Mass
Catholic Mass at the chapel is offered three days a week at two different times. Mass will not be held on the first Wednesday of the month, however.Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
: 1120Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
: 1315 (This worship is held inside of the restricted area ADF-C.)
Protestant Services
Buckley AFB’s Protestant services are offered primarily through Bible studies on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Because Tuesday’s studies are held mid-day, they also provide lunch for those attending.Tuesday Adult Bible Study
: 1200Thursday Women’s Bible Study
: 0930
Buddhist Services
Buddhist meetings are held once a week at the chapel. Buddhist services are a relatively new offering brought about in 2017 by the USAF’s first Buddhist Chaplain, Brett Campbell, 460th Space Wing.Thursday Meeting
: 1700
Other Religions and Practices
Buckley AFB invites everyone of any religion to practice at their chapel. If you don’t see your religious practice listed above, they encourage you to reach out to the chapel office and discuss setting up services for your religion.Buckley AFB Chapel Office
: 1 (720) 847-4631Weddings
If you’re looking to get married on-base, the chapel can provide a wonderful ceremony. To set up a wedding or get more information about the chapel’s wedding offerings, you can contact the Wedding Services Office.Buckley AFB Wedding Services Office
: 1 (720) 847-4631Enjoy Your Time at Buckley AFB!
On average, the Buckley AFB chapel hosts around 25 services per week, making it a great place to practice your faith. You’re going to love living at Buckley, if not for the great religious offerings then for the amazing selection of local cuisine and all the fun things to do nearby.SHARE:
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