The online platform for patients to store military health information, known as the TRICARE Online Patient Portal, is planned to be shut down by the Department of Defense on April 1.
This action recommended the affected beneficiaries to download their record from the old portal if they wanted to retain a copy of the history of their health information for future purposes as they are almost complete in transitioning to the MHS Genesis patient portal.
Shutdown of the TRICARE Patient Portal
The official website of TRICARE Online Patient Portal (TOL PP) has announced its shutdown on April 1, effective immediately following the recommendation of the Department of Defense.
These actions will still allow beneficiaries to make a copy of their medical record until the deadline if they still want to have a copy of it.
"We know that many beneficiaries are concerned about how the government will play a new role in the healthcare system due to many people's reliance on the Military Health System (MHS)," according to TRICARE Public Affairs.
The shutdown of the TRICARE military system might cause delays and complications for the beneficiaries, especially in the hospitals and clinics, as the patient needs to contact and request scheduled routine appointments to know the time frame of medical assistance.
The Transition to the MHS GENESIS
The MHS will provide better care for continuity and coordination and better access to patients and health care professionals. It is said to have a new patient portal where patients can take advantage of its latest features.
"With the successful transitioning of the TOL PP to MHS Genesis electronic health record, there is still allowance given to the old electronic health record to still access for the beneficiaries," according to the Pentagon.
The continuity of the MHS Genesis will provide an innovative system for the user interface in a more enhanced functional system that will cater to the needs of the user. However, they are more hands-on than the traditional way, so shifting to the new medical portal can be efficient if done right and cooperated well.
Download Your Files
The official site has information and step-by-step instructions for making a copy of the beneficiaries' health records. Click here if you wish to download and print your medical health records.
"Prepare to download/print your historical health record, which will not be available in MHS Genesis soon," according to the statement on TRICARE's official site.
All of the information needed to cater to the beneficiaries, including a copy of their past and medical records, would be seen on the official website, along with the data you can view in the TOL PP health record and the informative matter related to your health records.
Although the site is still working today, don't waste your time taking action.
What Happens to Unarchived Records?
The medical healthcare system handling such confidential information about the beneficiaries will still be stored but only in the respective military health facilities, clinics, and hospitals. This action will not have an easy and accessible process to view the past and medical records of the patients.
"To access your medical records beginning on April 1, the process would be completing a request form in person and pick-up at your designated time to get the records you requested," said TRICARE Communication. A very evident process would take and give the beneficiaries a hard time accessing the medical records they need for their health.
Due to the start of MHS Genesis implementation, delays are expected as the adjustment is always present. Still, gradual innovation and plans, such as making health records able to be re-accessed in an easier manner, are soon to rise, as anticipated by many of the beneficiaries.
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- The Complete Guide to TRICARE Young Adult Coverage
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