Because the call of duty knows no bounds, there are many different healthcare plans available worldwide for those who qualify. This means that no matter where you're serving, your comprehensive coverage will be there to help you take care of healthcare costs for you and your family. Get to know more about this incredible healthcare provider and how to best stay covered for what may come.
2025 UPDATE:
If you are enrolled in TRICARE or will need coverage in 2025, it’s important that you read the last section of this page. There are important changes to TRICARE in 2025 and if you don’t take action you could lose your healthcare coverage. Learn more below about how beneficiaries will be expected.
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TRICARE is an insurance provider that works to be a world-class healthcare system catering to a full range of military operations around the world. The coverage provided is comprehensive coverage that includes healthcare plans, Express Scripts TRICARE (prescriptions), TRICARE dental, and other special programs.
Being there for those who serve is a big responsibility, and TRICARE continues to fulfill this role. Serving in the American Armed Forces comes with a wide variety of potential risks to both the mental and physical health of those who serve. This is why TRICARE Insurance is a great option for military members and their families, as they understand the challenges and logistics of providing healthcare coverage to those who serve.
Receiving Healthcare
The MHS has a variety of hospitals and clinics that it operates. Your specific location, provider, and covered services will depend on the plan you enroll in, where you are, and the beneficiary category you fall in, but you can receive healthcare services from these locations.
In addition to the 700+ healthcare facilities operated by the MHS, you may also be able to receive care from various providers within the civilian network. Healthcare may also be available through TRICARE-authorized non-network providers, as well.
TRICARE: Find a Provider
It’s no secret that healthcare is a complex subject, and even as TRICARE Insurance works to streamline and simplify the process, there are many factors to consider. This is especially true when determining TRICARE eligibility.
You or your sponsor’s eligibility will be a factor in determining which healthcare plans are right for your needs. Here are the many healthcare plans available under TRICARE Insurance.
Tricare Plans
TRICARE Plus is the main form of coverage offered by the provider. Those who are TRICARE-eligible and not enrolled in a TRICARE Prime Plan, the US Family Health Plan, or a civilian or Medicare Health Maintenance Organization can enroll in this coverage. It’s also available to dependent parents or parents-in-law.
Every healthcare facility leader will decide whether or not TRICARE Plus is available, and this healthcare plan is primarily focused on coverage at your local military health facility. Those enrolled pay nothing out of pocket.
With TRICARE Prime, you'll receive a Primary Care Manager (PCM) in your Prime Service Area. Your PCM is responsible for covering all non-emergent healthcare matters and wellness visits. This plan is available to the following:- Active-duty service members and their families.
- Retired service members and their families*.
- Activated Guard/Reserve members and their families.
- Non-activated Guard/Reserve members and their families who qualify for care under the Transitional Assistance Management Program.
- Retired Guard/Reserve members at age 60 and their families*.
- Survivors.
- Medal of Honor recipients and their families.
- Qualified former spouses.
Costs for active members are nothing out-of-pocket. Their family members also don’t pay unless they're receiving care through a point-of-service option. Everyone else eligible pays annual enrollment fees and network copayments.
TRICARE Prime Remote
TPR provides you with the healthcare you deserve, only remotely. This option can only be used when your sponsor's home and work addresses are more than 50 miles (or one hour's drive time) from a military hospital or clinic. TPR is a great option for those living in more remote areas of the United States.TRICARE Prime Overseas
For those serving overseas, healthcare is still a necessity, which is where TRICARE Prime Overseas becomes a viable option. Available to active duty, command-sponsored active-duty family members, activated National Guard/Reserve members, and command-sponsored family members of activated National Guard/Reserve members only.
Healthcare will come from your PCM or authorized through International SOS to referred specialists.
TRICARE Prime Remote Overseas
This is a remote healthcare option for those living in Eurasia-Africa, Latin America, Canada, or the Pacific regions. Available to active duty, command-sponsored active-duty family members, activated National Guard/Reserve members, and command-sponsored family members of activated National Guard/Reserve members only.
Healthcare will come from your PCM or authorized through International SOS to referred specialists.
TRICARE Select is a self-managed, preferred provider organization (PPO) plan available to those who qualify and are living in the United States. You must be eligible for TRICARE in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS).
Healthcare can come from any TRICARE-authorized provider, and referrals aren’t necessary for most appointments. Pre-authorization may be necessary from your regional contractor for some healthcare services.
TRICARE Select Overseas
Similar to the Select plan, only for use overseas. You’ll be able to schedule an appointment with any TRICARE-authorized provider located overseas for your healthcare needs.
TRICARE For Life provides Medicare-wraparound coverage for TRICARE-eligible beneficiaries who are enrolled in Medicare Part A and B. While TRICARE Insurance pays first overseas, TRICARE pays after Medicare in the U.S. and its territories. You’ll have to pay your monthly Medicare Part B premiums, which will vary depending on your income and how long you wait to enroll. You’ll be able to receive healthcare where Medicare is accepted.
With TRICARE For Life, your healthcare provider will file a claim with Medicare. From there, Medicare pays its portion before sending the bill to TRICARE. Next, TRICARE For Life will pay for the portions covered by TRICARE Insurance.
TRICARE Reserve Select
TRICARE Reserve Select provides a premium level of healthcare coverage for Select Reserve members of the military and their families. Those who have active-duty orders do not qualify. Coverage is available worldwide, and participants must not be under either the Transitional Assistance Management Program or the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) programs. Though Survivor coverage isn’t affected by FEHB eligibility, members in the Individual Ready Reserve, including Navy Reserve Voluntary Training Units, won’t qualify.
Payment depends on whether or not you are using a non-network provider, which means you pay the higher claims and file yourself, or a network provider, which means lower costs and your provider files. You’ll also need to pay a monthly premium, cost share for covered services, and your annual deductible.
TRICARE Retired Reserve
This plan also provides a premium level of healthcare coverage for Select Reserve members of the military and their families, but it's for retired Reserve members under the age of 60 who are not eligible for the FEHB program.
Survivors can also receive coverage if their sponsor was covered by TRICARE Retired Reserve when they died, are immediate family members of the deceased sponsor (spouses cannot have remarried), and their TRICARE Retired Reserve coverage would start before the date the deceased sponsor would have turned 60 years old.
TRICARE Young Adult
The TRICARE Young Adult plan is a great option to provide healthcare coverage for adult children. This coverage is available for purchase after eligibility for "regular" TRICARE coverage ends at age 21, or 23 for those enrolled in college.
Participants must be no older than age 26 (exceptions due to college may apply), ineligible to enroll in an employer-sponsored health plan through your employment, and not eligible for another type of TRICARE coverage. Both Prime Options and Select Options are available.
US Family Health Plan
Available in six areas of the U.S., the US Family Health Plan is another TRICARE Prime option available through networks of community-based, not-for-profit healthcare systems.
For more information and to determine your best course of action, you can find out which healthcare provider is in charge of your state online on the US Family Health Plan main page. To learn more information and to determine which plan is right for you and your family overall, the TRICARE Plan Provider tool can help.
How Much Is TRICARE Insurance?

Is It Covered?
Healthcare is different for everyone. From your coverage needs to ailments and even prescriptions, everyone is a bit different. Both the TRICARE Covered Services tool and the TRICARE Formulary Search tool are great resources for those enrolled in TRICARE Insurance. You can search to see which healthcare services are covered under the “Covered Services” tool. “TRICARE Formulary” helps those with prescription drugs determine if they are covered or not.TRICARE Regions Worldwide
You could be stationed in the U.S., or you may have to serve in Asia. Maybe Europe? It doesn’t matter. With TRICARE Insurance, you’ll be covered worldwide. In the United States, there are two regions: TRICARE East and TRICARE West.
For overseas policyholders, TRICARE Eurasia-Africa, TRICARE Latin America and Canada, and TRICARE Pacific are the regions available. Various partners also help provide benefits around the world, so you’re always covered.
Tricare Patient Portal Is Now MHS GENESIS
The TRICARE Online Portal is now known as the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal (MHSG PP). Here, you can view your medical and active-duty dental health records, manage appointments, and exchange messages with your healthcare team from a secure access point online.Enrolling in TRICARE Insurance

- First, you’ll need to confirm your eligibility online or by calling
1 (800) 538-9552
. - Go through and determine the best healthcare plan for your needs.
- Enroll in your healthcare plan of choice if required.
TRICARE Open Season is between November 11, 2024, and December 10, 2024, with changes taking effect January 1, 2025.
These TRICARE Changes Are Going into Effect in 2025
If you are in TRICARE East or West, it’s important that you understand the changes coming your way. There are several changes in 2025 and if you don’t act before the end of the year, you could be at risk of losing your healthcare plan.
New TRICARE contracts, known as T-5, will begin on January 1, 2025. The new contracts aim to improve healthcare delivery, quality, and access to beneficiaries living in the U.S. Here are some common questions about the 2025 changes:
Who will these changes affect?
The new contracts are set to affect everyone, unless you have TRICARE For Life, a TRICARE Overseas plan, or the US Family Health Plan. Your dental and vision coverage will not be affected by the changes in 2025.
What action do I need to take now?
The only action you need to take is checking DEERS to confirm that your information is up-to-date. This will help ensure that you don’t miss out on important information about the deadlines for making changes to your plan.
Also, it is expected that more information about the changes will become available in the next month or so. Be sure to stay up-to-date so that you don’t miss important deadlines.
When do the changes take effect?
The changes are going into effect at the beginning of 2025. The same regional contractor will manage your health plan until December 31, 2024. The new contractor for the East Region is Humana Military and the contractor for the West Region is Health Net Federal Services.Initially, the deadline for beneficiaries living in the TRICARE West Region was December 31, 2024, however, an extension for those enrolled in TRICARE Young Adult, TRICARE Reserve Select, and TRICARE Retired Reserve plans has been provided.
For those beneficiaries who qualify, the new deadline is January 15, 2025, and for those enrolled in TRICARE Prime or TRICARE Select, the extension allows for changes until January 30, 2025.
If you missed your chance, now is the time to act, as anyone who does not take advantage of the deadline extension will be disenrolled retroactively to January 1, 2025, from their healthcare coverage.
What changes should I expect?
Beginning on January 1, 2025, there will be an East and West Region in the U.S. for TRICARE. However, make sure that you check where your state falls, as there are some changes (explained more below). In total, there will be changes to 6 states. For beneficiaries in the West Region, a new contractor and network of healthcare providers is on the way. Furthermore, six states from the East Region are moving into the West.
All beneficiaries in these states will receive documentation on how to transition in 2025, to ensure that your coverage isn’t interrupted.
Here’s what you need to know involving TRICARE 2025:
- Affecting potentially 1.1 million potential beneficiaries, TRICARE is moving Arkansas, Illinois, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas, and Wisconsin to the West Region.
- Humana Military Health is managing the TRICARE East Region through the company’s new T-5 contract and TriWest Healthcare Alliance is taking over the West Region from Health Net Federal Services.
- If you need to make changes, you can’t do them in milConnect. You’ll need to contact your regional contractor and if you are just joining the West Region, be sure to contact TriWest.
- Furthermore, if you are a part of the TRICARE West Region and don’t contract TriWest, even if you pay your premium and enrollment fee, you’ll be kicked off your healthcare plan at the start of 2025, if you do not update your payment information with the company.
- Finally, be sure to provide DEERS with your primary email address in order to log in to TriWest and set up their automatic payments. If you are paying via paycheck allotment, no action is needed.
Regardless of whether or not you face changes in 2025, TRICARE is advising everyone to update their DEERS contact information ahead of the new year.
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