

By Jamie Lustig

In February Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers introduced a bill called the “Hannah Cvancara Service Act” which would allow amputees interested in joining the military to serve in medical personnel fields. This would lead to more opportunities to open up for individuals with a disability and won’t make them feel left out. Can an amputee join the military? By reading this article you can find more information about what could possibly be the future for individuals who are disabled.

A Possible Bright Future For Military Amputees

Currently individuals who are disabled are feeling different from others that are able to join the Military. Everyone should be able to do what they love as a career, but it can be difficult when you are disabled.

If the “Hannah Cvancara Service Act” bill is passed it can open so many doors for a military amputee. The goal is to have the bill passed first to possibly have a military amputee and then when time goes on the bill can be revised. If this is successful Cvancara would be the first pre-service army amputee allowed to join the military.

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Cvancara and Her Condition

Cvancara was born with a condition called fibular hemimelia, which means she was born without a fibula bone and had a few other bone defects through her left leg and foot. When she turned one she got amputated from the knee below.

Her condition did not stop her from being physically active while growing up. She played volleyball, swam, rock-climbed, did gymnastics and surfed.

Her first attempt to join the Navy wasn’t too difficult for her. She scored above the minimums needed to pass the physical readiness test. She did 30 push-ups, a 2:30 minute plank, and a 1.5-mile run in 13 minutes and 29 seconds.

All of her hard work didn’t pay off sadly, she got a letter in the mail from Navy Recruiting Command in 2022 thanking her for serving but that it wasn’t enough.

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Being a Military Amputee Model

Cvancara didn’t like the outcome, so she decided to go to her local congresswoman, who pushed for a solution. The bill was introduced for the first time under the National Defense Authorization Act. The bill didn’t get too far, it failed to make the final version of the NDAA.

Prosthetics in the military worry some individuals because it would possibly lower the standards or endanger service members. Cvancara explains jokingly that she is pretty sure her leg is stronger than real legs.

The goal is not to lower the standards but for everyone to have equal rights no matter if you are disabled or not. Can an amputee join the military should be the case, Cvancara showed nothing but grit and hard work and I wouldn’t doubt that is the same for others as well.




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