Bob Testa, lead engineer for the Remote Weapons Branch of the Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center, poses beside the Ripsaw Unmanned Ground Vehicle during media day at Picatinny Arsenal. (Photo by David Vergun, May 2015)
All active-duty military assigned to or requesting residence on Picatinny Arsenal must contact the Military Personnel Directorate (973-724-8053) prior to their arrival date.
If you are flying into Newark Airport, it is your responsibility to coordinate your travel arrangements to Picatinny Arsenal. Ensure that you save all your receipts so that you can make an appropriate travel claim when you in-process with the installation.
Upon arrival to Picatinny Arsenal, report to the Military Personnel Directorate in Building 34N. In-processing procedures take approximately half a workday; arrive no later than 10 a.m. in order to complete the process the same day. Soldiers must have a copy of DA Form 31 (leave form), assignment orders and amendments. Information pertaining to DD Form 93 and SGLI is updated at this time. Soldiers must be in duty uniform.
All incoming military personnel, after signing in for duty and in-processing with the Military Personnel Directorate, will report to the Housing Services Office. Personnel will then be referred to the appropriate office for applicable housing. Acquisition of housing is not complete until all in-processing station requirements have been met.
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