The holidays mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. This can be a time of jubilation or a time of sorrow depending on several personal circumstances. However, at the end of the day, no matter which you celebrate, you can spread joy. One of the best ways to do so is by sending Christmas cards for Veterans. Giving back to the Veteran community is the perfect way to not only make someone’s day but also get into the holiday spirit. It’s understandable that sending Christmas card messages for Veterans can feel confusing, especially if it’s the first time, but we’re here to help get you started. Suggested read: Holidays for Heroes by the Red Cross Helps Local Military Communities
Where To Send Christmas Cards for Veterans?
There are several ways to send Christmas cards for Veterans that reach the military community far and wide. This includes both national programs and local ways to give back. Here are a few ways you can help spread joy this holiday season for the Veteran community:
- Email, write, or hand deliver cards to members of your family that have served.
- It’s also a nice gesture to provide coworkers or classmates who are Veterans with some holiday cheer.
- There are several organizations you can find that are often provide Veterans with cards during the holiday season. These include your local Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), American Legion, and Disabled American Veterans.
- You can also find nationally recognized programs online, including the Red Cross, which helps organize holiday card drives.
- Some local places of worship may also organize gift and card drives.
The whole idea is to send someone something to raise their spirits during the holiday season. If you know of a Veteran in your life or community, the best place to start may be closer to home than you think. Related read: 5 Hallmark Military Christmas Movies To Watch This Year
One of the Many Ways To Spread Joy During the Holidays
Sending Christmas cards for Veterans is only one way to give back to the military community, but if that’s not your forte, don’t worry, you have plenty of options. Here are a few ideas to help you get started this holiday season:
- Care packages featuring socks, blankets, and treats for Veterans.
- Decorate a Vet’s home if you are able to do so. Especially elderly Vets may need help, but be sure to use safety when doing so.
- Getting new tech is a great part of the holiday but some Vets may struggle using it. If you’re tech savvy, help set these devices up for those in your community.
- Winter clothing is always a great way to give during the holiday. Particularly for homeless or financially challenged Veterans.
- Delivering meals to local Veterans can help those who may face food insecurity stay fed during the holidays.
- From caroling to plays, the performance arts are a great way to spread cheer.
- Volunteering in any capacity helps Veterans and others in your community get a bit more out of the December celebrations.
What To Write on Christmas Cards for Veterans?
Christmas cards for Veterans ideas don’t have to be too elaborate, too personal, or too anything. Simply thanking a Vet for their service, passing along a bit of joy, and providing a nice or funny note will get the job done:
- Spread messages of encouragement, joy, and cheer. All of the holiday clichés will work here.
- Positivity is key. Some Veterans may not have the best association with the holidays, but keeping things positive will go a long way.
- Avoid preachy, religious, or overly personal messages. Thanking someone for their service is one thing, but going into too many details about war or service can have a negative effect.
Sadly, isolation and grief are all too common feelings for members of the Veteran community during the holidays. Our nation’s heroes have done so much for us, it’s important to remember to give back to them. Consider writing Christmas cards for Veterans this holiday season as a way to show support. Read next: Veteran Nonprofits: Donate For Post-Christmas Write-Offs
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