By MyBaseGuide Staff Member
The 88th RSC is responsible for the management of enlisted TPU Soldier promotion process within the command’s 19-state region.
Once the 88th RSC receives promotion board results from units, they integrate recommended Soldiers onto the Permanent Promotion Recommended List (PPRL) and begin the slotting process.
The PPRL Home Page is located at https://rcms.usar.army.mil/v3/Portal/Default.aspx.
Data contained in the Consolidated PPRL is from the four Regional Support Commands, the 7th Civil Support Command and the 9th Mission Support Command. Generally, Junior Enlisted promotion boards are conducted on a monthly basis, or at the very least a quarterly basis.
Senior Enlisted promotion boards are conducted on an annual basis; with E-9s in February, E-8s in May and E-7s in Sept.
Recommended Soldiers from both the Junior and Senior Enlisted promotion boards are then added to the Consolidated PPRL application.
Vacancy Management and Slating in support of the promotion process is automated and conducted monthly; with E-5 and E-6 processing being conducted on alternate months; E-9 processing in January, April, July and Oct.; E-8 processing in Feb., May, Aug., and Nov.; and E-7 processing in March, June, Sept. and Dec.
The Slating Process is a fully automated process and driven by criteria established in regulatory guidance and command policy. Promotion results and reassignment orders are published monthly. A Soldier recommended and added to the PPRL does not mean the Soldier will be promoted. TPU promotions are position based. A Soldier is selected off of the PPRL, promoted against a valid position. Soldiers must maintain promotion eligibility the duration they are standing on the PPRL.
The Promotion Process: SGT-SSG
Once the promotion boards are approved, the unit will send a copy of the promotion board proceedings, the DA Form 3355, the Promotion packet composition, and the elections and preferences checklists to the servicing RSC based on the Soldier’s Home of Record. This should be accomplished within 15 days of the approval of the board results. Once the RSC receives the report, they integrate recommended Soldiers onto the PPRL and begin the slotting process. RSCs identify the first Soldier on the list that meets the reported requirements. Promotion board proceedings received prior to the 10th of the month will be integrated onto the PPRL the 10th of the following month.The Promotion Process: SFC-SGM
The Regional Support Commands conduct boards annually (Feb-SGM, May-MSG, and Sep-SFC) in order to recommend Soldiers for promotion. If/when selected, you are added to a Permanent Promotion Recommended List. Units at all levels are tasked to submit unit vacancies through their chain of command to the RSC by the 10th of each month. Upon receipt of the vacancy reports, the RSC will create a slotting report for that month's grade based on the available vacancies and Soldiers from the PPRL. The PPRL is maintained in order of board date, date of rank, pay entry basic date, and age. The Soldier at the top of the list matching the vacancy requirements and elected mileage will be slotted for that position. SFC vacancies are reported to the RSC in Mar, Jun, Sep, and Dec. MSG/1SG vacancies are reported in Feb, May, Aug, and Nov. SGM vacancies are reported in Jan, Apr, Jul, and Oct. As a vacancy is reported the convening authority will identify the first Soldier on the list who meets the reported requirements.Point of Contact:
Enlisted Management Branch 608-388- 4184 usarmy.usarc.88-rsc.mbx.jrpromotion@mail.mil usarmy.usarc.88-rsc.mbx.srpromotion@mail.milSHARE:
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