

By MyBaseGuide Staff Member


If you are headed for a tour of duty at NSA Philadelphia and need help finding local housing please contact the Housing Service Center at: 215-437-9520.

The Housing office can assist you whether you are looking to rent or buy and it doesn't matter if you are military or civilian- all are welcome. If you are already onboard they are able to assist you with any questions you may have.

or, Visit the Housing Service Center Site

Our mission is to provide housing support for all families and unaccompanied personnel assigned toNSA Philadelphia. Our goal is to help our customers locate suitable and affordable housing whether they are unaccompanied ora Military family.

Housing Options include:

o Services to Assist Customers toLocate Off-Base Housing.

Housing Service Center (HSC) teamassists with the following:

o Housing Referral Services toassist youin locating suitable and affordable housing

ContactOur Housing Service Center to get started with your housing needs.

Housing Services

The Housing Service Center (HSC) has a dedicated and trained professional prepared to help you with all of your housing needs.The HSCwill help you find the right permanent housing accommodations at your time of arrival to the new installation and help you start your search for that new home at the time of departure of NSAPhiladelphia that will help you to relocate to your next PCS location.

Important Information:

Must know information:

Community Housing

  • Housing Service Center Hours:

0800 - 1630 Monday - Friday

  • Emergency Contacts:

Region Hotline: (215)437-9455
Philadelphis Police: 911

  • Directions to the Housing Service Center:

Address: 700 RobbinsAvenue, Bldg. 109, Philadelphia, PA 19111

From the main Gate (Robbins Ave.),go strightand proceedfour (4)stop signs to the end of the road.The Housing ServiceCenter,will beonyourleft.

Housing Departure and Arrival Services

Navy Housing Service Center (HCS) will support you during your PCS process and in addition HCS offers different services, whether you and your family are newly arriving or departing. Customers receive an array of housing assistance to simplify your move.

Services include the following:

  • Permanent Change of Station (PCS) housing check-in.
  • Rental Partnership Program assistance for community housing at reduced rent.
  • Extensive available property list from various combined military and civilian resources.
  • Lease and purchase agreement counseling.
  • Counseling for special needs.
  • Telephones, photocopy, and facsimile machines are available without charge.
  • Library containing departure housing information to help members and their families plan for a new duty station.
  • Other Housing Services:?
    • Landlord/Tenant dispute resolution?
    • Real Estate Listing Services?
    • Lease/Contract review?
    • Assistance Programs (RPP, Deposit Waivers, SCRA, HAP, etc)

Community Rental Information

Congratulations on your new assignment toNSAPhiladelphia!

The Navy Housing Service Center (HSC) will help you find off-base private sector rental housing in a community suitable and affordable within your BAH. At Naval Support ActivityPhiladelphia HSC has a wide community housing network available to find your new home so we are ready to work with you and your family.

The HSC maintains the private sector rental housing information and we have direct access toa varietyrental listings. A representative sustains a range of rental listings which includes styles of homes, square footage, and prices in the area.

Come to the HSC office to view rental listings in the area.

Rental Partnership Programs

The Naval Support Activity, Philadelphia, Rental Partnership Program (RPP) was a 1999 recipient of the Secretary of Defense Team Excellence Award and won the 1996 Reinvention Tool Kit Award for outstanding effort to create "Common Sense Government" that works better and cost less. The RPP is another housing option available to military members, single or married. The following are details for this exceptional program.

Who is Eligible?

All DoD military personnel and U.S. Coast Guard personnel with at least one year remaining on active duty in thePhiladelphia area.

How do you receive verification of eligibility for the program?

Member must report to the Housing Service Center (HSC) and upon meeting program criteria, a Verification of Eligibility statement will be issued. Sponsor’s designee with A General Power-of-Attorney or Special Power of Attorney is authorized. A Special Power of Attorney must specifically state the authority to Establish, Change or Stop Allotments. The Verification of Eligibility must be provided to the participating property of your choice.

What is required to meet program criteria?

  • You must report to the HSC for counseling on the program. Bring PCS orders, current LES and ID card.
  • Single E1-E5s, without dependents, must provide an authorization CHIT to live off base that is signed by an E7 or above with rank/rate clearly stated.

Marine, Army and Air Force members at aNSAPhiladelphiacommand with at least 12 months or more must provide a letter on command letterhead identifying the length of the member's tour at that command. This letter must be signed by an E7 or above with rank/rate clearly stated.

RPP Process

The following process will allow some applicants to start the RPP process without first reporting to the Housing Service Center (HSC).


  • Applicant completes RPP Application Package which includes the Fax Cover Sheet, RPP Application, Statement of Understanding and Request for Customized RPP Listings.
  • PCS Orders
  • Current LES
  • Rental Reference or Statement on letterhead from current or past RPP landlord identifying that member has provided a vacate notice and left with a zero balance or has a zero balance as of the date of the letter.
  • Ranks USMC/USA/USAF: Members who have been at theirNSAPhiladelphiacommand 12 months or more, must provide a statement on command letterhead, signed by an E7 or above, stating your tour length at your current command.

Upon receipt of all appropriate paperwork, and if the applicant meets the eligibility requirements, a Verification of Eligibility will be faxed to you along with a customized printout of RPP listings (if requested).

Once you have selected a landlord, you will provide the landlord with your Verification of Eligibility

Upon acceptance of your application by the landlord, the landlord will provide you with a Letter of Intent.You will take the Letter of Intent to the Housing Service Center to process the allotment form. At this time, you will be required to sign all documents.You will start your allotment through your MyPay account before the 2nd full month.

You will give a Xerox copy of the Payee’s Copy to the landlord to get a key to move in or the landlord may terminate your RPP privilege. If you cannot provide the landlord with a signed Payee copy at the time of move-in, you must negotiate with the landlord for an alternate method. Example: Offer to sign a statement – member to provide the landlord, within three working days or the landlord will terminate RPP and convert the lease to a conventional lease. Member will be responsible to reimburse the landlord all waived or discounted rents/fees.

Helpful Tips

  • Be advised that renting a unit without first inspecting the unit and the surrounding area could result in dissatisfaction that you may not be able to reverse until the end of your lease term.
  • Please do not start this process unless you have money for prorata move-in rent/possible a security deposit up to one month’s rent and first full month’s rent. These costs must be paid by certified funds until your allotment starts. Your allotment will not start until the rent day of the second full month. Money is collected in advance of payment. Money is taken from your paycheck on the 15th and 1st to pay rent for the first.
  • The landlord has the right to collect a $100 reservation fee.

Housing for Families

Our Housing Service Center (HSC) experts are ready to assist all service members and families assigned to Naval Support ActivityPhiladelphiato find suitable and affordable housing.We provide options fora place to live incommunity housing.

Privatized Housing

Not Applicable. There is no Privatized Family Housing in NSA Philadelphia. For more detailed information on what type of Housing is available at NSA Philadelphia, please refer to the link below:

Housing Service

Community Housing

Our Housing Service Center HSC skilled staff assists in finding off-base housing within the Naval Support Activity Philadelphia surrounding community. The HSC has available listings for rental homes in the area. We also provide support in ensuring you and your Military family has the appropriate lease to protect your interests and meets your requirements. The NSA Philadelphia HSC works with the surrounding community to assist unaccompanied and accompanied military personnel and their families regarding the pros and cons of off-base living. The HSC should be your first stop shop for all of housing resources.

You can connect with some of our resources, below:


· Military By Owner

· Apartment Guide

HSC can also help you with your BAH and Entitlements, as well as introduce you to our Customer Cost Savings & Assistance Programs.

Not only does the NSA Philadelphia HSC keep up to date resources, but we have also cultivated relationships with landlords and property owners. Once you find your new home in the community, the HSC is here to help you. We can go over your Lease, provide home buying counseling and even perform Landlord/Tenant mediation if ever necessary.

Navy Owned or Leased Housing

Not Applicable. There are no Navy Owned or Leased Family or Unaccompanied Housing at NSA Philadelphia. Please refer to the link below for Community Housing Information.

Community Housing


Housing for Unaccompanied Personnel

The Housing Service Center (HSC) staff is ready to assist unaccompanied personnel reporting to NSA Philadelphia and will assist in determining eligibility, options, and in locating acceptable housing. HSC has a number of excellent Community Housing choices and services.

Housing Resources:

  • Full range of housing options if interested in renting or purchasing. Be sure to check in with us at the HSC for all of the latest information, listings and assistance.
  • Assist you in locating approriate rental housing to meet your needs.
  • Protection from leases and avoiding discrimination with your housing agreement.

HSC works closely with landlords and property managers in the community which lead to the Rental partnership program (RPP). There are many advantages renting within the RPP including: properties inspected by the HSC, reduced or no security deposits, payment by allotment and discounteds on rent. When ou are authorized to live in the local community, you will draw Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH). Information on local community housing.

Barracks and Dorms

NSA Philadelphia does not have Unaccompanied Housing Barracks or Dormitories.

Community Housing

Unaccompanied Personnel considering off-base housing must first contact NSAPhiladelphia Center (HSC). HSC is prepared to assist unaccompanied personnel who are authorized to earn BAH find a home in the community.

NSAPhiladelphia Housing can do for You:

  • Maintainsunaccompaniedpersonnel affordable housing listings
  • Roommate assistance
  • Lease assistance (HSC in some cases offers favorable rents & security deposit agreements)
  • Supports mediated disputes with landlords or roommates


Roommates are a great way to lower expenses. The HSC skilled staff provides tips so your house sharingexperience will be a pleasant event.

Local area apartments are generally available, affordable, and convenient to NSA Philadelphia. To see available listings visit the HSC office, or visit AHRN to find housing options in affordable price ranges and location preferences.

Other important information:


Privatized Housing

The Naval Support Activity Philadelphia Housing Service Center does not have Privatized Housing. For information on Community Housing please refer to the following link below:

Community Housing

Housing Guidelines and Forms

Find housing guidelines and forms. Such links are provided consistent with the stated purpose of this DoD web site.

Important Housing Forms:

  • Sex Offender Form
  • Application for Assignment to Housing (DD Form 1746)

Can't find housing answers or the correct forms. Contact the HSC .

Other Housing Information and Links

Housing Allowance Information:

Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) Overview
BAH Calculator
Overseas Housing Allowance Overview
Overseas Housing Allowance Calculator

Automated Housing Referral Network

Navy Gateway Inns and Suites (NGIS) Temporary Lodging

Other Local Links and Information:

Military Benefits and Pay


Find a Housing Office

Housing Service Center (HSC)

700 Robbins Avenue Bldg. 109
Philadelphia, PA 19111

Contact Housing

Housing Service Center

NSA Phladelphia

700 Robbins Avenue, Bldg. 109

Hours of Operation: 0800 - 1600 Monday to Friday

Commercial: (215) 437-9455/9520

Fax: (267) 343-4857

Email phil.cnrma.housing@navy.mil

Direction to the Housing Service Center

From the main gate (Robbins Ave.) go straight, proceeding 4stop signs to end of road,the Housing Service Center is on your left.

Navy Gateway Inns and Suites

The Mid Atlantic Navy Gateway Inns & Suites (NGIS)

Mission is to provide quality, affordable lodging and hospitality services, which contribute to mission accomplishment and quality of life for a mobile defense community.

Our Vision is to make Navy Gateway Inns & Suites the Preferred Lodging Choice.

Our Brand Promise is creating comfortable guest services for those we serve: Today and Tomorrow.

Check Availability at the Navy Gateway Suites

Housing Quick Reference

Community Housing

Housing Service Center
NSA Philadelphia

700 Robbins Avenue

Philadelphia, PA,

Hours: Mon-Fri 0800-1600
Commercial: (215) 437-9455/9520

Fax: (267) 343-4857

Email: philadelphiaHousing@navy.mil

Must Know

The NSA Philadelphia Housing Service Center (HSC) is open Monday through Friday (except federal holidays) from 0800 until 1600,which is located on Robbins Avenue located on NSA Philadelphia. Direction to the Housing Service Center :From the main gate (Robbins Ave.) go straight, proceeding 4stop signs to end of road,the Housing Service Center is on your left.

Customers receive an array of housing assistance to help simplify their home search. Services include the following:


  • Permanent Change of Station (PCS) housing check-in.
  • Rental Partnership Program assistance for housing on the economy at reduced rent.
  • Extensive available property list from various combined military and civilian resources.
  • Lease and purchase agreement counseling.
  • Counseling for special needs.
  • Landlord/tenant counseling and mediation to help resolve complaints.
  • Telephones, photocopy, and facsimile machines are available without charge.

Related Links

Region Webpage

Electronic Welcome Book


Housing FAQs

How is a rental agreement made?

A rental agreement is a legal agreement between tenant and landlord; therefore, it is constituted as a lease. Before signing such an agreement, it is wise to read it and understand it.

When can a landlord withhold part or all of my deposit?

1. Compensation for the tenant's possible nonpayment of rent
2. Damage to the premises
3. Nonfulfillment of the rental period (tenant moves out early)
4. Any unpaid bills, which become a lien against the rental property due to the tenant's occupancy
5. Costs of re-renting the premises after breach by the tenant
6. Costs of removal and storage of tenants' property after a summary ejectment ("eviction") proceeding
7. Court costs in connection with terminating the tenancy
A landlord may not use the deposit to cover normal wear and tear to the premises. Nor may a landlord charge more than his actual losses against the security deposit.

The landlord must return the deposit to the occupant with in a "reasonable length of time" of the lease termination date. The industry recognizes this to be within a 30 day period. The landlord must provide tenant with an itemized list of any deposit deduction withheld for whatever reason. Contact the HSC for assistance if your deposit is not returned within a reasonable length of time.

What should I look for in my contract?

The contract/lease should record the full names and identifications of the parties involved in signing the contract, the specific address of the unit involved, the beginning and ending dates of the total rental period, the total amount of rent payable, the amount of the rent deposit, the amount and due dates of subsequent payments required.
Blank spaces not applicable to your lease should be filled in the "N/A".
It should provide provisions for cancellations (military clause, deployment, and PCS orders), extensions of lease beyond the first rental period (1 year, 6 months, month to month option, 7 day notice to vacate, etc.).
It should specify the landlord's rights and responsibilities as well as the tenant's. The contract should clearly state the utilities and services applied by the landlord in the rental charge.
Many contracts will also include operating policies or house rules that are applicable to the tenants, and if not observed can be cause for eviction.

When can a tenancy be terminated?

A landlord can terminate (end) tenancy at the end of the lease period. In addition, a landlord can terminate a tenancy at any time if the tenant has done any of the following:
• Failed to pay the rent
• Materially damaged the rental property ("committed waste")
• Interfered with other tenants ("committed a nuisance")
• Used the rental unit for unlawful purposes
• Violated any provision of the rental or lease agreement (including improper assigning or subletting of the unit)
When considering renting an apartment/house,

What problems are often overlooked?

When looking for an apartment, here are the necessary actions to take:
1. Investigate the location for crime and convenience to post.
2. Don't let the landlord/owner show you a model, see the apartment/house you will be living in.
3. If satisfied, note any deficiencies or damages at the bottom of the lease, if any. Talk with the landlord to see when he might be able to have these problems fixed. Write a statement stating when the landlord has agreed to have the problems fixed and have his/her initial the state.
4. Read over the lease completely. Make sure you understand everything in it; if you do not bring it to the Housing Office and an off-post counselor will review it with you.
5. Once you have signed the lease; to protect yourself make a thorough inspection of the premises. Set out in writing any damages or defects in the premises existing when you take occupancy, so that you will not be held responsible for them at the end of the term. When finished have the landlord sign and date the list. Provide a copy of the inspection list to the landlord and keep a copy for yourself.
Any problems while checking the rental, signing, during, and clearing, call the HSC.

Can the landlord raise my rent?

Once the lease is signed, this is a binding contract. The amount of the rent cannot be raised until the lease is up. When the lease ends, or there is no written agreement, the landlord may increase the rent. When increasing rent, the landlord must give the tenant the proper notice. The procedures for this required notice is the same as "ending the agreement." If you are opposed to the increase, you have the right to move prior to its effective date.

If I move before my lease or rental agreement ends, can I lose my deposit?

Not only can the deposit be lost, the landlord may be able to collect the remainder of the rent for the lease period.
Termination fees can be very expensive. Make sure your lease provides you adequate protection if you are required to vacate early (i.e. Military Clause, Roomate Clause, etc.).

What if I have a problem at the rental unit that the landlord refuses to fix?

It is the landlord's responsibility to maintain in good, safe, working order, and promptly repair all electrical, plumbing, sanitary, heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and other facilities and appliances which he has supplied or are repaired by his agreement or any law to supply after you have notified him of any defects in writing (in emergencies you may call him/her on the telephone, but follow up in writing).

If you have a problem at the rental unit, you should give the landlord the notice in writing, telling him/her of the deficiencies (a phone call advising him of the problem, followed with a written request to repair is recommended). A good response time is from 3 to 10 days depending on the nature of the repair required. If he does not respond, send a letter return receipt requested, or, come to the HSC and speak with one of the Housing Specialists. The Housing Specialist will assist you and advise you on landlord responsibilities. They can also mediate the problem between you and the landlord. She/he can call the landlord and request the deficiency be corrected on your behalf.

If the deficiencies are not corrected in a timely manner, you may consider small claims court. The Housing Specialist will be able to advise you based on the circumstances of your particular problem.

When can a landlord make me move?

1. If you violate any portion of your rental agreement or if you violate health codes - by leaving garbage on the premises, etc.
2. If you don't pay rent. The landlord must give you a written notice which gives you three days to pay the rent or move. After three days, if you are still in the premises without paying, the landlord can file with the court for eviction. If you disagree with the eviction, you will have a chance to answer a summons.
3. When the lease is up or there is no lease agreement; however, the landlord must give proper notice.




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