Looking for an affordable rental near base? Or are you a landlord hoping to expand your tenant list to include service members? Check if the base in your community has a Rental Partnership Program, or RPP.
The RPP is an agreement between the Housing Service Center, or HSC, and community housing landlords, designed to provide service members with suitable and affordable off-base housing and help defray some of the costs of relocation. Find out more here: www.cnic.navy.mil/ffr/housing/family-housing/community-housing/rental_partnership_program.html.
The RPP program only offers houses that have been evaluated and inspected to verify they are qualified to be in the RPP program.
All full-time, active-duty service members (married or single) drawing BAH can participate in the program. Service members are required to have at least six months to a year left on their End of Active Obligated Service (EAOS) and Projected Rotation Date (PRD). If single, service members with a rank of E-4 and below and fewer than four years of active duty must have approval from their current command to live off base.
The benefits to the service member are clear: Homes have already been screened and inspected by the HSC, and the program guarantees reduced rates and a reduced or waived security deposit and administrative fees.
The RPP requires rent be paid electronically. No administrative fees are required, although if a service member requests that a housing unit be “held” until the service member can move in, the landlord may require a reservation fee — which will be applied toward the first month’s rent. Find out more at the RPP FAQS for service members at www.cnic.navy.mil/ffr/housing/housing-faqs.html#RPPSMFAQS.
There are also benefits to landlords interested in joining the program. They can expect: expanded market listing of RPP-approved properties to service members; applicants must have permanent orders for the minimum negotiated lease period; rent will be deposited electronically; and the service member will already have been verified as eligible to rent off base by the HSC.
RPP properties must be inspected to be sure they adhere to program requirements. Inspections cover basic health and safety issues, such as properly working electrical outlets and smoke alarms in place in sleeping areas, along with properly flushing toilets, working drains, vented bathrooms and more. Landlords are also responsible for move-in and move-out inspections. In apartment complexes, HSC inspects one unit of each type or size, as well as all common areas. If a property initially fails the inspection or deficiencies are found, the landlord can fix the problems and request it be re-inspected. If it passes, the property is added to the RPP list. If it fails a second inspection, the landlord must wait six months before reapplying to the program. Find the inspection criteria here: <a href="https://www.cnic.navy.mil/content/dam/cnic/hq/pdfs/n93_housing/RPP_Docs/
At the end of the lease period, the landlord and service member can discuss extending the lease month-to-month or sign a new extended lease. If the service member is transferred before the end of the lease period, they may terminate the lease under the military clause by presenting a copy of their orders to the landlord, along with a 30-day written notice.
If the landlord has a complaint with a service member, he or she can contact the HSC directly and the HSC will provide Issue Resolution Services as an independent third party. If evictions are necessary, they can be done at the discretion of the landlord, provided he or she follows all state and local laws. If a service member leaves owing money, the landlord can present to the HSC an itemized list of the charges owed, with a final total and the landlord’s signature. The HSC will assist the landlord by presenting the information to the service member’s command. Find out more at the FAQS for landlords at www.cnic.navy.mil/ffr/housing/housing-faqs.html#RPPLLFAQS.
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