Our Housing Service Center (HSC) experts are ready to assist all service members and families assigned to Naval Support Activity Philadelphia to find suitable and affordable housing. We provide options for a place to live in community housing.
Privatized Housing
Not Applicable. There is no Privatized Family Housing in NSA Philadelphia. For more detailed information on what type of Housing is available at NSA Philadelphia, please refer to the link below:
Community Housing
Our Housing Service Center HSC skilled staff assists in finding off-base housing within the Naval Support Activity Philadelphia surrounding community. The HSC has available listings for rental homes in the area. We also provide support in ensuring you and your Military family has the appropriate lease to protect your interests and meets your requirements. The NSA Philadelphia HSC works with the surrounding community to assist unaccompanied and accompanied military personnel and their families regarding the pros and cons of off-base living. The HSC should be your first stop shop for all of housing resources.
You can connect with some of our resources, below:
HSC can also help you with your BAH and Entitlements, as well as introduce you to our Customer Cost Savings & Assistance Programs.
Not only does the NSA Philadelphia HSC keep up to date resources, but we have also cultivated relationships with landlords and property owners. Once you find your new home in the community, the HSC is here to help you. We can go over your Lease, provide home buying counseling and even perform Landlord/Tenant mediation if ever necessary.
Navy Owned or Leased Housing
Not Applicable. There are no Navy Owned or Leased Family or Unaccompanied Housing at NSA Philadelphia. Please refer to the link below for Community Housing Information.
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