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Emergency 911 Emergency Room/Ambulance 526-7111 Appointment Line 524-CARE (2273) or 526-CARE (2273) or (866) 422-7391 option 1.PHARMACY
Pharmacy Call-in Refill Prescriptions 526-7410 or 524-4081 Patient Advocate Office 526-7225 Hospital Operator 526-7000 The U.S. Army Medical Department Activity – Fort Carson operates Evans Army Community Hospital and its 2,300 military and civilian personnel. The hospital is the key component of the Colorado Springs Military Health System. The CSMHS is a single, integrated military health care delivery system. It strives to be the model of an integrated military health care system, delivering health and value for our beneficiaries and stakeholders. EACH is located in building 7500 off Titus Boulevard, near Cheyenne Shadows Golf Course. As the key component of the joint-services Colorado Springs Military Health System, it provides primary care services using the medical home model of care to Soldiers, other service members, Family members, and retirees. The five-story, 92-bed hospital includes an inpatient/family care ward, mother/baby birthing center, intensive care unit, inpatient behavioral health ward, internal medicine and emergency room. An adjoining, two-story clinic building contains the Warrior Family Medicine Clinic and numerous outpatient specialty clinics with 400 examination and treatment rooms. A common area atrium connects the two sections of the EACH building. This area includes the Patient Services Center, admissions and dispositions office, a medical library, chapel and the main pharmacy. Adjacent to the hospital is the 153,350 square-foot, three-story Woods Soldier Family Care Center. This houses the Iron Horse Family Medicine Clinic which also serves as a Soldier Centered Medical Home, pediatrics, the 24-chair Dental Clinic #2, physical therapy, occupational therapy, podiatry, orthopedics, chiropractic care, child and family behavioral health, outpatient records, ancillary radiology, a pharmacy, and Starbucks. The Mountain Post Behavioral Health Clinic, Robinson Family Medicine Clinic/Soldier Centered Medical Home, and the DiRaimondo Soldier Centered Medical Homes are also on Fort Carson. Visit the hospital’s webpage at http://www.evans.amedd.army.mil/. This contains a telephone directory and useful information about our services and clinics. Also, our Facebook and Twitter pages include daily posts related to wellness, health and medical issues, as well as hospital announcements, so “Like” us at https://www.facebook.com/EvansArmyCommunityHospital and “Follow” us at https://twitter.com/EvansHospital.TRICARE ENROLLMENT
Military Families can enroll in TRICARE Prime by calling Health Net Federal Services at 844-866-WEST (9378) or visiting www.tricare.mil and selecting Enroll or Purchase a Plan. Active-duty service members will be enrolled to EACH when they in-process the Fort Carson Welcome Center. TRICARE Prime provides patients with the best means of access to health care at EACH. Family members must be enrolled in TRICARE Prime or their care may be limited. TRICARE Select patients are able to utilize services within the Emergency Department, Pharmacy, Radiology and the Lab. Dependent parents and dependent parents-in-law are not assigned a primary care manager (PCM) within Evans Army Community Hospital.HOW TO MAKE OR CANCEL AN APPOINTMENT
TRICARE beneficiaries can make, cancel and reschedule appointments or talk to an advice nurse by calling the Patient Access Service line at 524-CARE (2273) or 526-CARE (2273) or by accessing TRICARE Online at http://www.tricareonline.com. Please cancel or reschedule appointments if you cannot make it. Do not miss your scheduled appointments as this negatively affects other patients and your providers.EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT
Patients requiring emergency care should be taken directly to the hospital’s Emergency Department. Emergency services are available 24/7. The telephone number is 526-7111. Patients are seen on a medical priority basis, based on the seriousness of the injury or illness, not necessarily in the order of arrival.AMBULANCE SERVICE
For ambulance service on Fort Carson, call 911 from any civilian or military phone. The Fort Carson ambulance service will respond to on-post emergencies only. Civilian ambulances will respond to off-post emergencies.PATIENT ADMINISTRATION
The Patient Administration Division (PAD) of EACH helps Soldiers and Families order medical records from other military facilities and civilian hospitals, copy medical records, process birth certificates, conduct Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) checks, initiate line of duty investigations, provide notary services and processes requests for release of medical information. This department provides for and coordinates all administrative matters related to the admission and disposition of inpatient and outpatient services. For more information, call 526-7287. All patients older than 10 years of age must present a military identification card for treatment at EACH. A parent or guardian must accompany children under 18. All military Family members must be enrolled in DEERS prior to receiving non-emergency medical care. The Electronic Medical Record (AHLTA and HAIMS) is the primary record source for patient appointments, however, a copy of outpatient records can be delivered to the clinic for appointments as needed. Medical records for all beneficiaries are maintained at the hospital. Questions concerning records may be answered by calling 526-7293. PAD provides excellent administrative support services to the hospital staff and beneficiaries in the most effective and efficient means possible.PHARMACY SERVICES
All eligible TRICARE beneficiaries may have prescriptions from both military and civilian providers filled at EACH’s pharmacies at no charge. Medication availability is determined by the DOD Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee and generally includes medications designated as Basic Core Formulary or Uniform Formulary within the Military Health System. The formulary search tool is available at: https://www.express-scripts.com/static/formularySearch/2.0.5/#/formularySearch/drugSearch?accessLink=FSTResults. Medications designated as DOD non-formulary are not available through military treatment facility pharmacies. The Evans Main Hospital Outpatient Pharmacy is open Monday-Thursday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., and training holidays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Woods Soldier Family Care Center Pharmacy is open Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. All outpatient pharmacies are closed on federal holidays. Full-service pharmacies are also located at Robinson Family Medicine Clinic, Soldier Readiness Processing Center. Operating hours for these pharmacies are listed at: https://evans.amedd.army.mil/Services/14/Pharmacy. Prescription refills must be ordered in advance either by phone at 524-4081 or 888-745-6427. Refill prescriptions ordered before 3:30 p.m. Sunday-Thursday are generally ready for pick-up after two duty days after 2 p.m. Please allow additional time for federal holidays and training days. Refills can be ordered for pick up at either the Evans Main Hospital Outpatient Pharmacy, or the Woods Soldier Family Care Center Pharmacy.PATIENT SERVICES CENTER
The Patient Services Center (PSC) is located in room 1011. Use Parking Lot A, and enter through the Main West Entrance. Hours of operation are Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. We are closed on holidays and most training holidays. The Patient Advocate Office is located within the PSC and serves patients in the capacity of providing resolutions to issues that were not resolved through the clinic or department leadership. After every effort has been made to fix the issue at the lowest level, patients may direct their questions, problems or concerns to the Patient Advocate Office. To reach the main desk, call 526-7225. Other services available within the PSC include beneficiary counseling, medical debt collection assistance, and the ombudsman services. For any issues after duty hours, contact the Administrative Officer of the Day at 526-7001/7002. ICE cards are provided throughout the hospital to voice complaints, and compliments or feel free to go online: http://ICE.disa.mil. The Patient- and Family-Centered Care (PFCC) initiative is committed to strengthening the partnership between our providers, patients and their Family members. Changes are implemented to better serve patients and Families by ensuring that the Family’s perspective is considered when developing policies and programs, as well as in the delivery of care. Patients and/or Family members interested in serving on the Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) should contact us at 526-7225. The Resource Center is available within the PSC and supports informed health care decisions and promotes wellness. It provides a comfortable, family-centered environment where patients and Families have access to reliable patient educational resource materials. Stop by and use the computer, send faxes, make copies, or to use the courtesy phone. Our services are free and confidential. The American Red Cross office is located within the Patient Services Center, in room 1010A. The American Red Cross staff will help to meet the needs of a changing military environment. They will primarily coordinate hospital volunteers and can link both military members and their Families to emergency services and other services as needed by military Families. Contact the Red Cross Office at 526-7144 if you wish to volunteer. To initiate Emergency Red Cross Messaging, contact the 24-Hour Emergency Number at 877-272-7337.PREVENTIVE MEDICINE
Main services are located in building 2059, at the corner of Magrath Avenue and Yano Street and are offered to DOD health care beneficiaries. The physical street address is 6582 Magrath Ave. Services provided include:Occupational Health
– Delivers occupational-related medical services to ensure the health and welfare of the DOD workforce. Monday-Friday, hours are from 7:30 to 11:30 a.m. and 1 to 4 p.m. excluding holidays. No children can be accommodated or left unattended during occupational health examinations.Preventive Medicine/Communicable Disease Clinic
– Evaluates and treats sexually transmitted infections and other communicable diseases. It also provides epidemiological surveillance and evaluations for health-related needs prior to leisure travel.Public Health
– Provides evaluation and treatment of the latent tuberculosis infections, health inspection and liaison consultation to installation Child, Youth and School Services (CYSS) assets, rabies prevention following animal bites, HIV case management for active-duty military, influenza vaccination campaign oversight, and sexually transmitted disease tracking and education.Environmental Health
– Provides hazardous waste and regulated medical waste oversight, conducts water quality surveillance, entomologic and pest surveillance, and conducts food facility inspections for the installation.Industrial Hygiene
– Located in building 1059 at 1852 Irwin Drive. Ensures safe and healthy working conditions for Fort Carson, Evan’s Army Community Hospital, and outlying clinics through inspections, sampling, evaluations and monitoring that may contribute or cause sickness, illness, injury, discomfort, or safety concerns. Industrial Hygiene plays a key role in the Army Safety and Occupational Health (SOH) Program. Surveillance plans for worksites and workers are based on SOH worksite visits, and any identified potential hazards such as indoor air quality, chemical exposures, noise, vibration, repetitive stress and ergonomics. Industrial Hygiene makes recommendations on methods to mitigate hazards such as engineering controls, substitution, elimination and use of personal protective equipment.Hearing Program
– Located in building 1525, room 422, on 6351 Wetzel Ave. This clinic provides hearing readiness services, clinical and operational hearing services and hearing conservation activities.Health Physics (Radiation Safety)
– Located in Evans Army Community Hospital, building 7500, Eye Clinic, second floor near the main entrance, room 2271. Responsible for performing radiation safety surveys of all radiation sources used within the facility; ensuring accountability and the safe use of all 138 X-ray systems (along with several Curies of unsealed sources) located throughout the hospital. The office specializes in diagnostic imaging and radiation therapy; monitoring radiation exposure of workers, patients, and visitors to the facility; establishing and monitoring radiation safety procedures; educating patients and staff on topics pertaining to ionizing and non-ionizing radiation; and assuring the medical facility is in compliance with state and federal radiation safety regulations. The phone number is 526-7047.ARMY WELLNESS CENTER - FORT CARSON
The Army Wellness Center (AWC) promotes an enhanced and sustained healthy lifestyle to improve the overall well-being of Soldiers, Family members, retirees and the civilian workforce. The AWC is a U.S. Army Medical Command initiative overseen by the Army Public Health Center. The AWC is staffed by nurse and health educators who deliver primary preventive programs. Core programs include: a health assessment review, physical fitness, healthy nutrition, stress management and general wellness education. These integrated, evidence-based services facilitate a holistic approach which takes into account an individual’s physical, psychological and social circumstances. This comprehensive approach empowers participants to set their own health goals and achieve them. From calculating resting metabolic rates, to computing cardio respiratory fitness levels and measuring body fat composition, all testing provided is state of the art and individualized to address client needs, motivation and confidence level. In the private sector, these services could cost upward of $3,000, but the Fort Carson AWC offers all of these services for free. The Army Wellness Center is located in the Forrest Resiliency Center, building 1843, 1891 Prussman Blvd. The phone number is 526-3887.SOLDIER READINESS PROCESSING CENTER
The SRPC is in the Mountain Post Soldier Center, 6351 Wetzel Ave., building 1525. The U.S. Army Medical Command is responsible for providing health care support for mobilization, deployment, sustainment, and demobilization of Army forces. MEDCOM also provides individual Army Medical Department (AMEDD) training and medical material, research, and development to support the Army mobilization force. The SRPC provides health care support for in-processing, out-processing, deployment, and post-deployment operations. SRPC Medical will assist Soldiers and units in updating medical readiness by ensuring all Soldiers reporting to Fort Carson are medically ready before they report to their unit of assignment. They will assist units by being the conduit for readiness between the supporting soldier medical homes and the unit. They will ensure all out-processing Soldiers do not have any medical and/or mental health condition that would preclude them from deploying. Medical personnel check for and initiate corrective action to eliminate individual Soldier readiness non-deployable conditions or report the situation to their primary care manager and their commander; conduct a health record review to address all medical readiness conditions; review and update MEDPROS IMR report; review and update DD Forms 2795 (pre-deployment), 2796 (post deployment), 2900 (post deployment health reassessment) and periodic health assessments. Soldiers will be screened for medical readiness in vision, laboratory, immunizations, behavioral health and periodic health assessments. Optometry (vision) screening will include ordering glasses and inserts as required. Laboratory screening will include review/update HIV test, screening for pregnancy, verification of blood type, Glucose 6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6-PD) Deficiency screening and sickle cell screening. Immunizations will be completed as needed based on the mission of the unit. Soldiers will have MEDPROS and AHLTA reviews during every visit to SRP to ensure Soldier readiness. 100 percent ANAM screening for all deploying Soldiers will be completed during SRP process as well.SRPC MEDICAL TELEPHONE DIRECTORY
Chief, Medical Operations 524-2757 Medical Director 524-5569 Chief Nurse 524-5347 Operations Specialist 526-0165 MEDPROS Coordinator 524-4669 ANAM Proctor 524-3197 Hearing Readiness 526-6976 Defense Brain Injury 526-8636SHARE:
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