

By MyBaseGuide Staff Member

Some of the wait times listed can range from immediate to 2 years. What if I can't wait that long?

If you need immediate housing, please visit the Housing Services Office (HSO).  This office provides a Government referral service for off- post/base housing which is located in the same office as on-post/base housing. One, three, six or month-to-month leases will provide the most flexibility to accept on-post/base housing as soon as it becomes available. Alternatively, you can consider hotels that offer monthly rates. Some of these hotels offer kitchenettes and allow pets to make a longer stay more comfortable.


Why are the wait times so long?

The Department of the Army/Air Force sets the standard for how many homes are on post/base. Here at Joint Base Lewis McChord, we only have enough homes on post/base to accommodate 26% of all the families that are stationed here. The Installation policy is “Communities First”. Our local communities support a little over 74% of the Soldiers stationed here.


How often are wait times updated and where can I get the updated information?

On post/base housing wait times are updated weekly.  You can view the wait times 24 hours a day.


How soon will my position be posted on the wait list?

We give our best effort to process applications and upload them into the system within 48 to 72 hours of receiving them.  You can help to ensure this timeframe by providing all the necessary documents; for example: orders, marriage licenses, birth certificates, etc.


Where can I check back to find our what my position is?

You may email us at leasingservicecenter@eqr.com for an update or within 24 to 48 hours from applying your Leasing Specialist will be in contact with you.


When can I expect to get a call from the Leasing Center about a home?

In most cases, you will be contacted 30 – 60 days before a home is available to move into.  Wait times will vary based on the community you choose. This is why it is very important to update your phone numbers and e-mail addresses if they change.


Can I make an appointment to see someone to ask how long my wait for housing will be?

Yes! The Leasing Center Representatives email addresses are available on our website under wait times.


What if I just want information on specific communities?

If you would like more information on the individual communities please first visit our website, or email a Leasing Center Representative for more information.  The Leasing Center Representatives email addresses are available on our website under wait times.


How do I change wait lists?

If you would like to change wait lists, please submit your request in writing by obtaining the waitlist change form from the front desk or email your Neighborhood Coordinator.  You may then check the website again in 24 to 48 hours to see what your new position is.

How do I update my information?

If you get a new phone number, address or telephone number, please call, e-mail or stop into the housing office with this new information.Applicants, who do not update their information, will be removed from the wail list and must reapply and receive a new eligibility date.  This will be the new date of application. 

Remember, if we can’t reach you with the numbers you provide to us, we can’t offer you a home and we have to assume that you are no longer interested.  So, please make it a priority to ensure that the information you provide is accurate and up to date.


Why did my position change on the wait list?

You may see your position on the wait list drop on occasion due to one of the following: 

Dependent restricted tours, such as Korea returnee’s

Madigan Directed and Garrison approved Priority housing 

Representative portion’s of approved Garrison unit moves

Waitlist preference changes

Contact information is not updated and we do not have the correct information to reach you While these circumstances do not happen daily, they do take place from time to time. We appreciate your patience if you experience this.


What do you base your wait times on?

Wait times are based on the number of families who give us notice to move. The reason we update wait times weekly is because the number of families giving notice to move varies weekly.  For example, you could be on a wait list that has a 6 month wait time one week and then, the following week we could receive 20 notices to move, which could lower the wait times for that neighborhood to 3 months.  We could also go weeks without getting any notice to move which could make wait times longer.  This is why it is important that you check our website.


When is the housing office open?

The housing office is open from Mon, Tues, Thurs: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Wed: 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM, Fri: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM


Why can't I see inside the home before I decide I want it?

Here at Lewis-McChord Communities, we have over 80 floor plans to choose from. It is impossible to show everyone all of their options. With more than 2,000 families on the waitlists, it makes more sense for us to focus on moving families in as quickly as possible. This lowers wait times and better serves all of our families. Please visit our website or stop by the housing office for more detailed information on our homes.


What if I do not like the house that I am offered?

If for some reason you do not want the house that is assigned to you and you notify us within 24 hours of accepting the keys, we will refund your pro-rate and release your lease obligation. If you would then like to be placed back on a waitlist for a different neighborhood, we will reinstate your eligibility date.


When can I apply for housing after I have arrived at Joint Base Lewis-McChord?

Only those who apply within the first 30 days after signing into Lewis-McChord are eligible to be backdated with a DA31, TDY paperwork, or with credit for completion of dependent restricted tour (certain restrictions apply).  Anyone coming in after the first 30 days will have an eligibility date of the date of application.  Lewis-McChord Communities wait lists are placed in order of priority.  So, the sooner you apply the better your chances are of getting into housing.


Can I move into housing even if I have not signed into the installation?

Yes, once you have signed out of your previous duty station and provide us your DA-31.





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