In almost 100 countries, you’ll find more than 9,500 Enterprise Rent-A-Car offices. The company has sprawled into one of the most recognizable brands in rental car history all thanks to Enterprise founder Jack Taylor. But the Jack Taylor Enterprise empire didn’t come to be as soon as it might have been. This is because while the future saw Jack Taylor Enterprise Holdings Founder and CEO as his title, the present for his time was dealing with World War II. Taylor would answer the call of duty, serve in tremendous capacity, and would become a decorated Sailor before creating his billion-dollar legacy. Suggested read: Financial Wellness Month: How to Improve Your Finances
Who Owns Enterprise Car Rental?
Enterprise Holdings is the owner of the largest car rental company in the world. The company also owns several other brands, including Alamo Rent-A-Car and National Car Rental. However, it’s the Jack Taylor Enterprise empire because of the founder’s decades of work. Today, the Taylor family remains heavily involved as owners and executives. Jack’s granddaughter Chrissy Taylor is the current President and CEO after taking over from her father Andy Taylor. Additionally, Jack’s other son, Andrew C. Taylor, serves as the Executive Chairman. Throughout the 67 years of business. Enterprise Rent-A-Car has had three of its four CEOs bear the Taylor name with the exception being Pamela Nicholson. Related read: Taylor Swift’s “Epiphany” Song Meaning is a Dedication to Her Veteran Grandfather
From Business School to the Pacific Theater
Jack Taylor, originally intending to attend business school at Washington University, shifted his plans when he joined the U.S. Navy during World War II. Hailing from St. Louis, Missouri, Taylor served in Carrier Air Group 15, flying F6F Hellcat fighters from USS Essex and USS Enterprise. As a Replacement Pilot on USS Essex and later in a more involved role on USS Enterprise, Taylor participated in air assaults, including strafing runs against the Musashi, Japan's largest battleship. His courageous actions earned him two Distinguished Flying Crosses and the Navy Air Medal. The Pacific War and other portions of WWII would continue to rage on, but as we know, the Allies would eventually claim victory in 1945. While holding the rank of Lieutenant in the Navy Reserves, Taylor got to work as a manager at a car dealership. Just under a decade later, he would change the world. Enterprise Founder Jack Taylor would build rapport with Arthur R. Lindburg during his time working at Lindburg Cadillac. It’s here in 1957, that Enterprise was born! Well, sort of. You see, the original name was actually Executive Leasing Company. The goal of the company was to provide drivers with a vehicle they could rent when theirs was in the shop. Today, you’ll find almost 1.7 million vehicles on the lots across the world, but back then, the numbers were a bit more modest featuring only seven vehicles. As we can see today, the Jack Taylor Enterprise business would end up booming. So much so that by 1969, Taylor decided to rebrand the company and rename it into what we know today. He chose Enterprise based on the Yorktown-class carrier he served on in the Pacific.
Jack Taylor Enterprise Legacy Another Example of Vets Going On to Do Great Things
Veterans continue to contribute not only to our safety and freedom but to our society as a whole. Enterprise Rent-A-Car is a testament to this and continues to offer discounts to those in the military community. The Jack Taylor Enterprise legacy revolved around the idea of treating customers and employees right. Many other Veterans do the same every day. From workers on the frontlines to small business owners and more, the story of Enterprise isn’t about a successful business but the story of how valuable Veterans are to our country even beyond service. Read next: Def. Sec. Lloyd Austin Dealing With Prostate Cancer Complications
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