Not all of us can commit to a military lifestyle. So, volunteering is a great way to support the military and serve our country for those of us who don’t enlist. Here is a fun fact for you, in 2019,9.2 million volunteer hours resulted in millions of dollars in savings
by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Nothing like the feeling of helping our country support our troops and lower our national debt. Interested in learning how you can get involved? If you know what programs you might be interested in you can skip ahead by clicking the links below. If not, we’ve got you covered, let’s keep going!- Volunteer at a Military Base
- Veteran Affairs Medical Center
- Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society
- U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary
- Grassroots Programs
Can I Volunteer for the Military?
Yes, you can! Are you exploring a new career? Or are you sharpening your skills to re-enter the workforce? Maybe you’re looking to keep active during retirement? Whatever your motivation is, you’ll find something that allows you to give back in a fulfilling way. Choose to get involved in military volunteer opportunities that match your passions. Then it is awin-win
for you and the organizations you choose to give your time.How to Volunteer at a Military Base & Serve Our Country!
You can find local volunteer opportunities at a base or post near you by using Military Installations to find a family support center by entering your ZIP code, state or installation. Then, contact the center to ask how you can help. Volunteers are a priceless asset to the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs.Ready to roll up your sleeves and get involved? We’ll get you started with a few examples of volunteer openings here.

Fort Bragg
“Be an essential piece of the puzzle.”ACS Volunteer options include programs such as:
- Mobilization/Deployment Readiness
- Survivor Outreach Services
- Financial Readiness
- Army Emergency Relief
- Employment Readiness
- Army Family Team Building
- Exceptional Family Member
- Family Advocacy
- New Parent Support
- Relocation Readiness
- Airborne Attic/Lending Closet
- Multicultural Awareness
- Soldier & Family Assistance Center
ACS volunteers earn incentives too, such as:
- Mini-flashlight – 25 hours
- Lunch tote – 50 hours
- ACS volunteer mug – 75 hours
- Umbrella – 100 hours
- Rosewood pen with case – 200 hours
- Tote bag – 400 hours
- Folding camp chair – 500 hours
Tip: At the end of your volunteer shift, you can find great food options at 36 of the Best Restaurants on and near Fort Bragg, NC.

MCB Camp Pendleton Volunteer Program
“Earn the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Award or the President’s Volunteer Service Award.” Register for base volunteer positions online.Base volunteer opportunities:
- Armed Service YMCA
- Marine Mentor-Eagle Young Marines
- Military Outreach Ministry
- Military Spouse Association of Camp Pendleton
- Operation Bigs (Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Diego County)
- Soccer Coach-Youth Sports
Tip: Since we know, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!” Find fun with 37 of the Best Things to Do on Camp Pendleton.
Ellsworth Air Force Base Volunteer Resource Program
“A pessimist sees the glass of water as being half-empty; the optimist sees the glass of water as being half-full; a volunteer sees the glass of water and immediately starts looking around for someone who may be in need of a drink.” - Claes Jonasson The Airman & Family Readiness Center Volunteer Resource Program will assist volunteers and collaborate with Ellsworth and local agencies for volunteer opportunities.Tip: Do you have a passion for education volunteer work? Find local school info at Ellsworth AFB Schools: Daycare – High School.
Peterson Space Force Base Volunteer Services
If you would like to receive Peterson volunteer opportunities by email, send a request to volunteer agencies:
- Airman & Family Readiness Center
- Airman’s Attic
- Chapel
- Legal Office
- Library
- Loan Locker
- Museum
- Retiree Activity Office
- Sexual Assault Response
- Thrift Shop
- Youth Center
Tip: Find all the base info you need to know at Peterson AFB Welcome Center (Now Peterson Space Force Base).

Military Volunteer Groups
Volunteers come from many different backgrounds. There are many volunteer opportunities with military volunteer groups for men, women, retirees, teenagers, professionals, homemakers and students.1. Veteran Affairs Medical Center
Find a local V.A. Voluntary Service Office for more information. If you would like to volunteer at your local Veteran Affairs Medical Center for a special event, start by selecting your interests. One of the local VAVS reps will contact you with information on the event and how you can be a part of it.2. Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society
For more than 100 years, a 90-percent workforce of volunteers allows Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society’s donated funds to assist sailors, Marines and their families directly. Volunteers will receive specialized training, connect with others to build friendships, get assistance with child-care and mileage expenses, and build experience to include on their resumes. For more information, visit the society’s website.3. U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary
“Honor, Respect & Devotion to Duty.” Volunteers working in the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary save nearly 500 lives, assist 15,000 boaters in distress, conduct upward of 150,000 vessel safety checks and graduate almost 500,000 students of safe boating classes annually. As a result, taxpayers save millions of dollars each year! View the Zip Code Flotilla Finder to find one near you. Or click here to learn more about joining the U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary.4. Grassroots
Maybe a less formal approach to volunteer service works better for you. Connect with military families in your community. You can reach out through school counselors, religious institutions and community organizations serving the military community such as the American Legion, Red Cross, USO and VFW. Help a military family with even small amounts of volunteer time. Cook a meal, drive the kids to practice or donate groceries. AARP’s Create the Good volunteer program says 43% of service members are parents. And over 50% of enlisted personnel report financial difficulties. Both make it easy to understand that every little bit of help makes a difference. Size matters not! “Remember, one person with faith and love for his fellows is equal to the force of 99 with only selfish interests,” Ethel Percy Andrus, founder of AARP.Conclusion
Service members and their families sacrifice to serve our country. Our volunteer support helps show appreciation for their service. BONUS, did you know that volunteering can benefit your health as well? According to the Mayo Clinic, volunteers also reap the rewards for their service, even getting a “Helper’s High,” decreasing the risk of depression and reducing stress levels. Want more military content? Visit MyBaseGuide for the latest installation info, our sister site AHRN for the best military housing resources, and the newly launched VeteranLife. Looking for even more ways to get involved? Check out our sister site VeteranLife's blog on how you can volunteer to help our nation's homeless veterans.SHARE:
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