By MyBaseGuide Staff Member

May is Military Appreciation Month. With this momentous occasion comes a slew of military-related events and holidays for us to celebrate! The first event, held on the very first day of Military Appreciation Month (a.k.a. May 1st), is called National Loyalty Day.
Join us as we get proud and patriotic for National Loyalty Day 2022!
More on Military Appreciation Month:
When Is Military Appreciation Month? Why Do We Celebrate It?What Is National Loyalty Day?
What is Loyalty Day? It may sound a little ambiguous, but Loyalty Day has a simple goal: to allow people in the U.S. to reaffirm their patriotism, allegiance, and loyalty to the United States of America. It’s the perfect kick-off to Military Appreciation Month because it helps us remember why we enjoy everything we do in this country. May 1st, Loyalty Day, is also a day for everyone – regardless of service status – to remind themselves of the nation's democratic ideals and Constitutional rights and freedoms. However, the U.S. government also acknowledges that loyalty is to be earned by those in charge, not commanded by them. Last year’s presidential Loyalty Day proclamation describes Loyalty Day perfectly: “On Loyalty Day, we celebrate our allegiance to the project of this great Nation and the democratic ideals woven into the fabric of our Constitution. As Americans, we do not command loyalty, but seek to earn it through our actions — including by living up to the principles enshrined in our Constitution and respecting the will of the people as reflected in the democratic process.”You can read last year’s entire Loyalty Day proclamation from President Biden here.
The U.S. is a unique country that is not easily compared to any other, giving us a perfect reason to remind ourselves of the freedoms we love, the diversity we enjoy, and every aspect of society that’s singular to the United States of America on Loyalty Day.The History of National Loyalty Day
Loyalty Day was first celebrated in 1921 under a different name: Americanization Day. Originally, the day was created to combat the very first widespread Red Scare in America. During the next wave of the Red Scare in 1955, the day was officially recognized by the U.S. Congress. However, given the tapestry of cultures in the melting pot of the country, the term “Americanization” wasn’t fully apt and would soon be changed. In 1959, then-President Eisenhower made a proclamation that would change the day’s name to Loyalty Day, making the “holiday” official. You may ask, “Is National Loyalty Day a federal holiday?” Unfortunately, the answer to that would be a no. However, what better way to celebrate the ideals of this country than to go to work and contribute to society on National Loyalty Day? (Luckily for us, however, National Loyalty Day 2022 falls on a Sunday!)Military Appreciation Month Events for National Loyalty Day
Loyalty Day is easily celebrated throughout the month. The celebrations don’t have to be confined to just May 1st! Go out in your community and take part in civil events, get involved in local politics, VOTE, take some time to educate yourself on issues facing your town and country at large, or even organize a patriotic event to help others recognize the importance of National Loyalty Day! Since there are so many events throughout May for Military Appreciation Month, you can channel your patriotism and loyalty by learning more about them and participating in celebrations for events like Military Spouse Appreciation Day, Memorial Day, and VE Day. Let’s give thanks for everything this country has given us by celebrating National Loyalty Day this year!Related read:
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