

By Allison Kirschbaum

Commemorating the tragedy that happened during the 9/11 attack left a deep mark on a lot of people. Each year, Americans and people worldwide always recall the heroes on Patriot Day, which led many people to have unity and resilience amid such tragedy. These towers fell during the attack: the North Tower was hit by American Airlines Flight 11, and the South Tower was hit by United Airlines Flight 175. Plus, the Pentagon was also attacked by American Airlines Flight 77. Additionally, it hit the southwest side part of the headquarters. The devastating event took around 3,000 lives. Today, we commemorate those we lost and thank the courageous first responders who put their lives on the line.

What Happened 23 Years Ago?

Most people will remember the terrifying event of the 9/11 attack when four planes were hijacked. Once the hijackers were in control of everything, they flew the aircraft to the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and in the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. The fourth plane, however, did not make it to its destination as the passengers fought the hijacker, and it crashed on a field in Pennsylvania. Still, it was believed to target the White House, the presidential retreat in Maryland, the U.S. Capitol, or one of the several nuclear power plants in the eastern seaboard.This killed the passengers in the plane, those who were trapped in the building, and the first responders who were trying to help. Since then, security in every airport has become stricter to avoid such catastrophes ever happening again. There were a total of 411 men and women who worked in emergency services who lost their lives through fires and trying to rescue those who were trapped in the building. It was one of the most devastating events in American history, which is why former President George W. Bush proclaimed Patriot Day to commemorate every September 11. During this day, flags are halfway, and there is a minute of silence at 8:46 a.m. Eastern, country-wide, which is the time when American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into one of the Twin Towers. Even though the attacks happened in the U.S., Patriot Day is being recognized around the world as the news had left a heavy impact on a lot of people.

The Fate of the Pentagon During the Attack

Even after a few years, Pentagon attack survivors are still suffering from various illnesses such as burns, lung damage, missing limbs, TBIs, and musculoskeletal injuries. Some are still coping with PTSD or depression. During a clear sky on September 11, 2001, American Airlines Flight 77 did not reach its destination. Instead, it was flown to the west side of the headquarters by five men who hijacked the aircraft. The last known communication from the plane was around 8:50 a.m. It was made by two passengers, a TV commentator, and two flight attendants. The crash killed 189 people, including 70 civilians, 55 military members in the Pentagon, and 64 people in the plane. After the devastating event, officials mentioned that its reconstruction would take around three years; however, with the efforts, it was rebuilt after one year. There is also a memorial on its grounds commemorating those who died during the Pentagon attack.

How to Honor Patriots’ Day 2024

Commemorating Patriot Day should not be difficult, as everyone can do a simple act of kindness. Others will use this opportunity to do community service. If you have children, you can involve them, bake some treats, and drop them off at the nearest fire or police station. Another thing that you can do on Patriot’s Day 2024 is to donate anything to organizations for a cause. Specific charities help 9/11 first responders who are still suffering from its aftermath. You can also visit memorials and post them on social media. Look out for any events in your local area, as there might be gatherings or vigils.

The Long-Lasting Impact of 9/11

Even though many people are preparing to celebrate Patriots’ Day 2024, let us not forget its lasting impact on the nation's policy. After a few months, there was a change in several policies in terms of foreign relations, national security, and domestic law enforcement. Some notable changes include enacting the USA PATRIOT Act, creating the Department of Homeland Security, integrating intelligence agencies, and stricter immigration policies.Suggested reads:




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