

By MyBaseGuide Staff Member
Story by Linda Lambiotte on 09/25/2019
ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL, Ill. -- Employees from the U.S. Army Materiel Command Legal Center-Rock Island Arsenal received the AMC Team Project Award at the AMC Legal Conference held recently at Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Alabama.

The team won the award for their contributions to the AMCLC-RIA Battle Book, a product encompassing information in multiple legal disciplines such as ethics, contract law, fiscal law, labor and personnel law, procurement fraud, military law, environmental law, and public-private partnerships.

The legal center supports Soldiers and civilians located not only at U.S. Army Sustainment Command and U.S. Joint Munitions Command headquarters, but also in ASC's Army field support brigades and battalions, logistic readiness centers, and JMC's ammunition plants, activities, and depots located worldwide.

Such detached installations may not be able to get prompt legal support, and may have to rely on non-AMC legal offices which they do not have a close relationship with.

Employees from the AMCLC-RIA realized the importance of providing commanders at the geographically detached installations with a collection of useful information on most commonly faced legal issues a sort of "legal first aid" guide offering practical advice.

K Krewer, chief counsel, ASC, nominated the team for the award.

"I wanted to nominate the team because the effort to pull together the different materials for the Battle Book exemplified true teamwork," Krewer said, "leveraging the knowledge and experience of a group of people who specialize in different disciplines, to put together a product that will be useful to our customers."

The team members recognized for their contributions to the project were: Col. Danyele Jordan, Maj. Travis Sommer, Tara Mack, Karen Barrows, Terese Harrison, Bradley Olson, Larry Manecke, Les Nepper, Rick Murphy, George Farley, and Tracy Perry.

Krewer said she got the idea of creating the Battle Book last year when she saw a disaster preparedness guide made by the JMC Emergency Management Office that identified danger areas and actions to consider to prepare for and deal with unexpected emergencies.

"It got me thinking what can we give our AFSBs and installation commanders (especially the ones who aren't physically located at Rock Island) that will help them prepare for, and deal with, the kinds of legal issues that they might face?" Krewer said.

Krewer is now hoping to keep the booklet updated and add tabs as needed in order to make finding information on specific topics easier for everyone.




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