The way we picture aliens, extraterrestrials, and beings from outer space in media and popular culture continues to evolve. There are many reasons for that, including scientific discoveries and various movies, TV shows, and games. But nothing has influenced the intrigue and belief in alien lifeforms quite like the Roswell Incident. While the U.S. government and many others deny that there was ever any alien activity involved in the crash at Roswell, that doesn’t mean there aren’t many others who are skeptical of the official explanation. Since the crash at Roswell, military experiments and alien life have been intertwined in a dance that continues to catch the eyes of those looking to the heavens for answers. Related: From Black Triangles to Black Projects, the TR3B Is a Fun Conspiracy
When Was the Roswell Incident?
In July 1947, the Roswell Incident would occur and set off a new wave of wondering about what sort of life, if any, lies beyond the stars. According to the U.S. military, it was a weather balloon that crashed, but there are many that believe this to have been the crash of an unidentified flying object (UFO).
What Is the Roswell Incident?
As the name would suggest, the alleged incident occurred near Roswell, New Mexico. Also known as the July 8th Incident, due to headlines in a local paper on that date reporting the event, it would set off years of conspiracies, questions, and theories that perpetuate today. From alien technology to mysterious body recoveries and more, the Roswell Incident has everything you can imagine a good conspiracy to have. The result? Well, it shaped how we view alien encounters, which is why all these decades later, such imagery makes perfect sense. Related: 4 Military UFO Sightings That Made Us Question Everything At the heart of the Roswell Incident in New Mexico are basically two opposing sides. On one hand, you have the U.S. military/government. Their story is that the crashed object was a weather balloon and that the “bodies” recovered were simply anthropomorphic dummies. Opposing this explanation are those who suspect the aircraft in question was a UFO. The recovery efforts in their eyes were not to simply collect data and clean up debris but to cover up contact with alien technology as well as recover alien bodies. The sad part about the Roswell Report is that we now know that throughout the years since all the speculation was fueled, many Airmen have been injured or died in the line of duty. This would explain some of the recovery efforts. But in this particular incident and many others since, there is still considerable discussion surrounding what the U.S. military is hiding. Finding concrete evidence on either side proves to be difficult and these circumstances only fan the flames of conspiracy surrounding the Roswell UFO Incident. Eyewitnesses say that the debris in question was strange and that there were other odd events surrounding the crash. Furthermore, this particular incident also produced eyewitness accounts in which alien bodies were pulled from the wreckage. Suggested Read: Inside Diego Garcia: The Most Mysterious U.S. Naval Base Making things even more convoluted is that the U.S. military noted that in a press release on the Roswell Incident, the U.S. Air Force (USAF) conducted “the recovery of a flying disc” when describing the weather balloon. Officials maintain that there is no definitive proof that the Roswell incident was an extraterrestrial event, but it remains one of the most famous UFO mysteries. But its plausibility and lack of evidence continue to maintain its place in the spotlight.
Will We Ever Know the Truth Surrounding the Roswell Incident?
The truth about the UFO crash at Roswell, or rather the alleged UFO crash at Roswell, may never be fully exposed. As a result, we continue to entertain endless speculation that has only grown to a fever pitch in the decades since. The U.S. government has even come right out and confirmed hundreds of UFO encounters over the years since Roswell, opening the doors to transparency about what the official records show and what the public suspects. Many questions still remain about this particular event, however, and it's unlikely that the entire public will ever trust an official explanation from the government about the Roswell Incident. Read Next: A Chinese Spy Balloon Over Montana, Here’s How We Got Here
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