

By MyBaseGuide Staff Member

U.S. Army Military Police School

The United States Army Military Police School (USAMPS) is a multi-service training facility that provides technical law enforcement, criminal investigation, police intelligence, internment/resettlement and combat support military police instruction to more than 16,000 Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine, civilian and foreign students annually. As the Law Enforcement Center of Excellence, the school trains military police leaders and Soldiers to serve across the full spectrum of military operations from stability and support operations to major theater conflicts. USAMPS' task organization includes the Staff Management Division, Directorate of Training, Directorate of Proponency, Initiatives and Integration, Army Non-Lethal and Scaleable Effects Center and TRADOC Product Office-ASV (TPO). USAMPS coordinates closely and directly with the Capabilities Development and Integration Directorate (CDID) for MP Concepts, Materiel and Organization domains development and the MANSCEN Directorate of Training for development and execution of Maneuver Support common training.

14th Military Police Brigade

The 14th Military Police Brigade is task organized into three battalions. These battalions are responsible for training the Military Police Basic Officer Leadership Course III, the Captains Career Course (CCC), One Station Unit Training (OSUT) training of MOS 31B Soldiers, Advanced Individual Training (AIT) for 31 E Soldiers and Military Occupational Skills Training (MOS-T) for reclassifying Soldiers. The brigade's mission is to train and provide combat ready, disciplined, motivated, physically fit and technically competent Warrior Police Soldiers and leaders to combatant commanders inculcated with the Army values and Warrior Ethos; capable of immediately contributing to their next units mission, and able to survive in any environment. The Headquarters and Headquarters Company is responsible for oversight and management of over 53 technical courses of instruction. The company is also the owner and operator of the Army's premier Detainee Operations Training Facility, Camp Charlie, which replicates detainee facilities within the COE facilitating training of all Initial Entry MP Soldiers.

The 701st Military Police Battalion executes one of the most diverse mission sets among MP Battalions across the Army. The 701st trains three Military Police OSUT units (Alpha, Echo, and Foxtrot Companies), transforming civilians into Military Police Soldiers prepared to contribute to their first units immediately upon arrival, which oftentimes includes a deployment shortly after they report. The Battalion also includes Bravo Company that provides the administrative support for 34 Military Police Functional Courses, including the MP Basic Officer Leader's Course (BOLC), the Captain's Career Course (CCC), Pre-Command Course (BN & BDE CDRs), Warrant Officer BOLC, CID and MPI training, and a variety of both skill and ASI-producing courses, cumulatively training over 8,000 students annually.

The 701st MP BN includes Charlie Company which is responsible for the instruction, training, and MOS certification of all 31E Internment/Resettlement Specialists for the Army. These Soldiers will be stationed across the world, performing the corrections mission at the Army's Regional Correctional Facilities in the United States, Germany and Korea, the U.S. Disciplinary Barracks at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., as well as performing detainee operations on deployments to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Iraq, Afghanistan and other theaters of operations. Although not located at Fort Leonard Wood, Delta Company of the 701st retains the Army component of Military Working Dog Training at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. They significantly contribute to the Army's war-fighting efforts by annually training approximately 95 new Military Working Dog (MWD) Handlers, 65 Specialized Search Dog handlers, 30 Kennel Masters, 3 Combat Tracker Dog (CTD) handlers and certifying 15 CTD Teams en route to support the Overseas Contingency Operations. Delta Company also trains over 100 Traffic Management Accident Investigators each year. The 701st as a whole works with the unmatched spirit of the White Tiger from our days in the Chinese Theater of Operation, selflessly dedicated to preparing our Soldiers and cadre for future Army missions and assisting the families that support us all. 




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