is the Department of Defense Education Activity. DoDEA operates DoD schools in 12 foreign countries, Guam and Puerto Rico. All DoDEA schools are fully accredited by U.S. accreditation agencies and maintain high academic standards with well rounded educational programs. Visit the DoDEA School Report Card website to find a detailed discussion of each DoD School.DoDEA has launched an Online Student Pre-Registration System for School Year 2013-2014, with the aim of reducing the time parents will have to wait at the school registration site. The new program will also allow school officials to better predict school enrollment for the upcoming year, make more informed decisions regarding teacher and staff requirements, and prepare in advance for special services, supplies, and other classroom needs. Parents can pre-register their children by visiting the registration website.
In addition to DoDEA, the U.S. Department of State's Office of Overseas Schools mission is to promote quality educational opportunities for dependents of American citizens overseas at the elementary and secondary level. If a DoD school is not available on your installation there may be a school in the local community that is an American-Sponsored Elementary and Secondary School.
International schools are English-language schools whereas National schools are schools where courses are taught in the native language. The curriculum and grading system of an International school tends to be similar to the traditional American education system. This is a consideration if your family will be returning to the U.S. prior to your child or children graduating high school. Remember, when choosing a school it is best to try to match the school with your child's needs and expectations.
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