Arlington, Texas, is the home of the University of Texas at Arlington, the AT&T stadium for the Dallas Cowboys, and several museums, like science centers, aquariums, and more. A new museum is joining the lineup in Arlington soon: the National Medal of Honor Museum (not to be confused with the National Medal of Honor museum, Chattanooga, TN). Keep reading to learn more about this $230 million museum. See more:Heroic Black Medal of Honor Recipients Had To Fight for Recognition
The National Medal of Honor Museum
The National Medal of Honor Museum foundation broke ground in March 2022. Since then, about $185 million has been raised toward the museum’s goal of $230 million. On Tuesday, December 6, 2022, a $1 million donation from Tarrant County Commissioners Court was approved. This $1 million is meant to go toward construction costs for the museum. The intention is for this to be a “biography museum.” The museum's executive vice president, Cory Crowley, stated, “We don't want to be a war museum, and we don't want to be a history museum. We want to be a biography museum. We want to tell the stories of perfectly normal Americans... on a tough day, they made a decision that not everyone would make, and became great heroes in the process of doing it." The intention of this museum is to commemorate those who have received the prestigious Medal of Honor. Crowley also stated that the museum is meant to be an inspiration for the average, everyday American. The plan for the museum is to show the before, during, and after of the lives of those who earned a Medal of Honor. The hope is that the stories of their lives will be “normalized” in a way that will inspire others to act extraordinarily.
The History of Medals of Honor
The Medal of Honor tradition began in 1861 with President Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War. It is the nation’s highest recognition of honor in combat. Since the Civil War, the Medal of Honor has been awarded to those who have gone above and beyond, even to the point of risking their lives, to protect and serve. Since the institution of the Medal of Honor, less than .01% of service members have been awarded a Medal of Honor. Roughly 40 million Americans have served in the military since the Civil War, but only 3,511 have received the Medal of Honor. It is truly a high honor for American service members.
Where Is the National Medal of Honor Museum?
The National Medal of Honor Museum location is in Arlington, Texas, just west of Dallas. It is located near the Choctaw Stadium in Arlington, and construction has already begun. The foundations for two buildings have been set, with most of the offices and classrooms being underground. On December 6, 2022, five massive columns were erected at the center of the complex. The columns will hold a deck where all the permanent exhibits will be housed. The museum will also have a theater and a great hall where most of the temporary exhibits will likely be displayed.
Stories of Medal of Honor Winners
The Medal of Honor is not an award that is won easily. It’s won through a demonstration of great bravery and courage. Below are two names and stories of brave individuals who won the Medal of Honor and why:
Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt, before he became the 26th U.S. president, fought in the War with Spain and won a Medal of Honor for his efforts. In the War with Spain, Roosevelt led a charge up San Juan Hill in Cuba. Roosevelt was only accompanied by a handful of other Soldiers in this charge. His exemplary leadership and bravery during this charge helped change the tide of the Battle of San Juan Hill, earning him the Medal of Honor.
William Carney
William Carney was the first African-American to win a Medal of Honor for his actions in the Civil War. Carney was born a slave in Virginia, but he eventually escaped to Massachusetts. When the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment began recruiting volunteers, he eagerly joined up. The 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment was the first African-American unit in the northern states, but it was commanded by white officers. When the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment went into battle, the Union flag bearer was killed. Carney, without hesitation, grabbed the flag and held it during the rest of the battle. Even though the 54th was forced to retreat, Carney never let go of the flag, even after sustaining multiple injuries. He was awarded the Medal of Honor in 1900. For all the war history buffs, Veterans, or even those just wanting some inspiration, the best new museum to check out will soon be the National Medal of Honor museum. Arlington, Texas, is gaining a great museum that will honor military heroes in a new and very deserving way. The National Medal of Honor museum, set to open in 2024, is an exciting development for all! See more:Remembering the First of Vietnam War Medal of Honor Recipients 58 Years Later
Image: National Medal of Honor Museum rendering
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