

By Allison Kirschbaum

There have been reports of the Army looking to pull some household goods shipments belonging to its personnel out of the military's new privatized system that manages moves. This is happening due to "contract performance issues." The household goods belonged to the military professionals who were moving places in line with their service. The new privatized shipment is causing many issues in relation to the military industry and their families, leading to delays in shipment.

The New Household Goods Shipment

A privatized company ran the military household goods shipment in cooperation with the Department of Defense. During their process in the households of the military families for permanent change of station, issues arise.

As of February, at least 1,000 of the 8,900 shipments initiated under HomeSafe Alliance had experienced problems, according to U.S. Transportation Command.

The issue became widespread and was requested by the affected military to address the situation. With the contracting performance issues of delays and inefficient proof before and during the shipment, some of the shipments handled by the private shipment were paused.

On February 28, 2025, a memo was given to pull back some Army shipments to the transportation offices by the Army Personal Property.

This action was done to stop the inefficient and dissatisfied work of private shipments for many years among the affected military families in their permanent change of station.

Apps Associated with the Goods Shipment

Along with the military household goods shipment, the applications included to track the shipment of the goods are Milmove and HomeSafe. These are the applications that have been receiving negative feedback in the shipment of household goods by the military.

The use of applications such as HomeSafe that the Transportation Command oversaw is noted to have made an issue affecting the military professionals. In the Army memo, it is included that their performance is evidently running in many topics in difficulty to track household goods shipment. The command added that full responsibility and measures should be taken to address the underlying problems.

With 1,000 military household goods shipments, they have been experiencing issues such as difficulty communicating the service, missed pickups, and missed deliveries, according to the Transportation Command's estimated statistics for the month of January.

The actions lead to disappointment for the many service members and families, as their services might be disrupted by the issues of tracking their household goods shipment or waiting for the shipment of their goods.

HomeSafe Apologizes to Military Families

HomeSafe apologized to every family affected by the issues related to delays in the shipment of Army household goods and the difficulty of tracking the goods by the affected families. They also expressed wanting to learn from those mistakes and be better next time.

HomeSafe assumed their issues have been dominantly disappointing the military families, which is why they will take action and address the issues regarding the disappointment to the families in order to ease their burden. Although there might be a breach of the contract in the memo, HomeSafe will continue to be a solid decision to do better in providing quality services for the military household goods shipment.

One way that HomeSafe provides quality services is by updating its technology platform to cater to military families and make it easier for them to track household goods shipment. They also added a better training program focusing on providing quality education to their employees and hiring more quality workers.

Letter to Head of Transportation Command

A letter by Senator Mark Warner was sent to Gen. Randall Reed, head of Transportation Command, on February 26, 2025. The senator wants to request a briefing on the issues of the shipment of military household goods.

Since there have been issues expressing concerns about the shipment of goods, many press reports have alarmed the senator, resulting in the letter being given to investigate HomeSafe. The briefing will focus on addressing the issues of the HomeSafe Alliance’s capacity, specifically regarding the moves of the shipment that have been delayed over time.

Senator Warner expressed his deep disappointment in the private company handling the tracking and moving of household goods and shipments as it affects the military community. From that point on, Senator Warner only wanted to provide the best possible services to military families by shipping their household goods at the right time without any delays.

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