

By Buddy Blouin

A new Navy Arctic Service Medal has been added to the list of military awards in 2024 and it’s already being earned by service members and civilians alike. There continues to be a shift to the colder portions of our country, specifically, Alaska, when it comes to the future of warfare. As such, it makes sense that the Navy is focusing both its attention and awards towards the Arctic.

What Is the Navy Arctic Service Medal?

The Navy Arctic Service Medal is a new award, building off the Navy Arctic Service Ribbon, for those who meet the right service requirements when operating in the Arctic Circle.

Sailors and Marines who complete an ice-covered strait transit, including the Bering Strait or Barrow Strait, or a transit of the North Pole can receive the medal.

Furthermore, those who are on a submarine and complete a vertical surfacing through ice, are operating for at least seven days while under the marginal ice zone or pack ice, and troops who are stationed on an ice floe or at an ice camp also qualify.

Interestingly enough, there are scenarios where civilians who are a part of units that qualify for the new Arctic Service Medal Navy is offering will also be eligible.

Should We Expect More Military Awards and Decorations From the Arctic?

If you look around, there are European and Asian threats to our nation with a high interest in the Arctic region.

Since 2021, the Navy’s Blue Arctic strategy continues to point to growing activities in Arctic waters.

However, it’s a lot more complicated than just facing off against rival nations in a hypothetical war.

The Navy Arctic Service Medal is a recognition that naval operations are changing to better suit national interests.

It is also getting easier to traverse Arctic waters as climate change is warming the area, making it more navigable.

There are natural resources, specifically reserves of minerals, oil, and gas, that also have economic interests evolving from a number of nations as waters continue to warm.

Still, with the trajectory of flight Alaska provides, among other Arctic regions, the area is of vital importance to our national defense. Particularly, when it comes to defending against and launching ballistic missiles.

Having control of Alaska is a great boost for the military simply from a training standpoint the terrain provides great places to put troops to multiple unique tests.

Overall, with so many economic and militaristic ties to the area, the continued shift north to secure shipping lanes and our nation as a whole remains an increasing focus.

The Submarine Crew of the USS Indiana (SSN-789) was Awarded the Navy Arctic Service Medal

When the US Navy Arctic Service Medal was announced in early 2024, the military believed that it would first be awarded the same year and they were right.

Not only has the crew aboard the USS Indiana earned the military award, but there is also an administrative process being put into place to provide retroactive awards.

On September 17, both Navy and civilian personnel were presented the Arctic Service Medal by Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Lisa Franchetti for their work on the fast-attack submarine.

The award was presented for their service during ICE CAMP 2024, showing immense dedication while in the Arctic.

It’s still unclear when others, both retroactively and in the future, will earn the Navy Arctic Service Medal; however, as it’s clear the military is placing importance on the region, it’s simply a matter of time.

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