

By Buddy Blouin

Your mental health plays a huge role in your physical well being. Mental health issues significantly increase your chances of developing physical health problems, and vice versa. Nearly one in three people with long-term physical health issues suffers from mental health problems, usually depression and anxiety. The research is clear: Good mental health increases the chances of good physical health. Untreated mental health issues can negatively affect your physical health.

To put the issue of mental health in perspective, in 2021, 22.8% of American adults reported mental health issues. That’s over 57 million people! Moreover, people with mental illness are 3-4 times more likely to have issues with sleep, also negatively impacting physical health.

Mental illness has many root causes. The causes of mental health issues are diverse and different for everyone. And it must be emphasized that many of these are completely outside our control and are the result of our life experiences, physical makeup, and brain chemistry, all of which play a role in how we handle things. Fortunately, modern medicine has developed effective treatments for most mental health issues and illnesses.


Dealing with childhood trauma can cause mental illness in children and adults.

Childhood trauma can stem from a variety of things, including sexual abuse, physical abuse, mental abuse, humiliation, the loss of a loved one, or any other overwhelming negative event. The effects of these experiences can cause depression, anxiety, insomnia and other issues long into adulthood.

Of course, traumatic experiences are common in adulthood as well. Physical illness or accidents, loss of loved ones, toxic relationships, financial insecurity, physical or sexual abuse can all have long-lasting effects and can actually change your brain chemistry.

Social Isolation and Neglect

Isolating socially or being neglected as a child or adult are triggers for mental health issues. The feeling of loneliness can cause mental disorders, including anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation.

Humans are social creatures and when societal needs aren’t being met, negative mental health issues can arise.

Substance Abuse

From alcohol to harder drugs, substance abuse is both a cause and effect of mental health issues. For some people, mental health issues lead them to abuse alcohol or drugs. Some people can enjoy a beer or two with friends and walk away. Some are biologically or psychologically inclined towards substance or alcohol abuse and can’t put that glass down.

Substance abuse disorder (SUD), alcoholism and addiction can be long-term problems that perpetuate other negative mental and physical health issues that can cause long term harm.


Life simply isn’t fair and one glaring example is how biology plays a role in the mental health of us all.

Some people are able to manage certain feelings better than others. There are other biological factors, some of which are controllable, that also affect mental health, including how much you sleep, your diet, and how much you exercise.

Overall, biology is a complex mental health factor, but an important one for understanding the wider scope of illnesses and risks. Similarly to how your mental health can affect you physically, so too can physical illnesses and ailments affect your mental well-being.

Mental Health in the Military

Military life is stressful. In fact, in a 2014 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Psychiatry, 1 in 4 military members reported mental illness. America has been at war for over two decades. Many American service members are still deployed in harm's way. American warfighters face physical danger, deployment far from home, separation from loved ones and a lifestyle that can be challenging.

One notable issue within the military community is the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD can begin for a number of reasons and isn’t exclusive to military service. For example, PTSD in adults can stem from a devastating car accident or disease.

Furthermore, service members are at risk for PTSD not only because of the harm they face on the battlefield but the harm their fellow warfighters experience, military sexual trauma (MST), and more.

Service in the military is often physically challenging. Many within the military experience chronic pain and illnesses which can hinder quality of life and negatively affect their mental health as well.

Fortunately, increasingly resources are pouring into understanding and treating mental health issues as an important step in helping warfighters live fuller lives.

A Mental Health Resource for the Military Community

The experts at Clarity Squared Behavioral began their mission by helping patients with physical health challenges that led to mental health issues. They have broadened their services to help patients with a wide variety of mental illnesses improve their mental and physical well-being and quality of life. They have now expanded their mission to help members of the military community, including service members, their families and Veterans.

Clarity Squared Behavioral offers mental health services conveniently and confidentially through telehealth to patients throughout California and Oregon, wherever they may be located. They routinely treat a wide variety of mental health issues including: depression, anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, sleep disorders, and mental health issues involving chronic pain.

Clinicians and staff are bilingual and able to serve both English and Spanish-speaking patients, with psychiatric services also available in Mandarin and Portuguese.

Best of all, in addition to accepting most major commercial insurance plans, TRICARE, Medicare, and TriWest are also all accepted. M-F and convenient Saturday hours are available.

Clarity Squared understands the unique needs of the military community. COL(R) Noel C. Pace and LTC (R) Kays Alali, the leaders of Clarity Squared Behavioral’s military community services, both combat Veterans of the Iraq War, offer a combined 50 years of experience in military command and medicine to ensure our nation’s heroes receive the care they deserve. They have had experience providing and managing care for warfighters, their families, civilian contractors, and Veterans.

Getting mental healthcare in California is often difficult with initial appointments typically taking 6-8 weeks to schedule. Not with Clarity. They prioritize quick patient scheduling, typically within 1-3 weeks.

If you are dealing with mental health issues of any kind, contact them today. Their mission is your mental wellness!

This article is the result of a paid collaboration with Clarity Squared Behavioral, Inc.

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