By MyBaseGuide Staff Member

The Fort Sill Museum, also known by its more official name of the Fort Sill National Historic Landmark and Museum, is a must-visit destination for any personnel and their family members stationed on or near Fort Sill, OK. It’s also a great local find for anyone interested in history, military knowledge, and even sociopolitical artifacts. Sound like your jam? We’ve got a guide to help you make the most of your visit!
Where Is the Fort Sill Museum?
The museum is located on-post at the following address: 435 Quanah Road Fort Sill, OK 73503-5100Phone
: 1 (580) 442-5123 Since it’s on-post, civilians can’t just enter willy-nilly. If you’re not a military member and want to check out the museum, you’ll have to follow proper procedures and get a visitor’s pass to the post or be escorted by a DoD cardholder to enter. To get an unescorted pass, you’ll need to fill out FS Form 118a, after which you’ll be subjected to a background check at the Visitor Control Center before being granted military base access. The post is roughly three miles north of the town of Lawton, OK. From here, you’ll follow Sheridan Road N and enter the base at Bentley Gate. To find the museum, you’ll follow Sheridan Road, turn left onto Randolph Road, turn right onto Chickasha, then left onto Quanah Road.Related read:
Military Base Access for Civilians & How To Host GuestsWhen Can I Visit the Museum?
You can visit the museum five days a week. The museum is openTuesday through Saturday from 0900 to 1700
each day. There are also holiday closures, of course. The museum will be closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas holidays, and around New Year.What's in the Museum?
The Fort Sill Museum covers history and includes artifacts dating all the way back to the Dragoon Expedition of 1834 and going until 1920. It has tons of artifacts and interactive exhibits covering all parts of Fort Sill’s history and that of the surrounding area. The museum also notes the important role of nearby Native American tribes in the area’s history and pays particular attention to their contributions. Fort Sill underwent massive changes from its initial development throughout some of the most important periods of military history, and the museum is constantly being updated to reflect some of these changes. As recently as 1990, new installations have been added to the museum, ensuring that visitors always have a unique experience and new things to learn about the history of the region.The Fort Sill Artillery Museum
In 1998, Project Millennium established new objectives for historic preservation at Fort Sill. This project initiated the construction of an additional Fort Sill museum nearby: the Fort Sill Field Artillery Museum. This new addition to the post was only completed in spring 1998, and it allowed the original museum to continue its focus on the historical aspect of the post, where the artillery arm would focus more on military munitions, specifically. Today, these two arms of Fort Sill museums make up a total of 38 buildings with more than 144,000 square feet of history and exhibits featured throughout, not to mention the recently-reopened Fort Sill Museum gift shop.More like this:
How Long Is Field Artillery AIT at Fort Sill?Image: U.S. Army Center of Military History

fort sill artillery
fort sill artillery museum
fort sill history
fort sill museum
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